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by Sister Constance Veit, lsp Each October the Catholic Church in the United States observes Respect Life Month as a time to focus on the protection of God’s precious gift of human life. The theme of the month varies from year to year, but it usually concentrates our attention on …

By Daniel Payne Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 29, 2023 / 04:00 am Many Catholics can, at the drop of a hat, recite the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel — the famous petition to that venerable saint to “defend us in battle” and “cast into hell Satan.” In the culture of …

Do Catholics believe in the existence of Satan? Is Satan the same as the devil? A significant number of Christians do not believe in Satan. They consider him representative of evil, but not an active being. Yet the Catholic tradition has long acknowledged the existence of Satan and associated with …

In the Gospel according to St. John, Jesus emphasizes that He came so we might have fullness of life (cf. Jn. 10:10). Most significantly through His Paschal Mystery, but also through every aspect of His life, Jesus worked for our good so that we might have life in abundance, both …

“I became involved in YoungLives because I have always loved interacting with young kids,” said Badin senior Annie Nguyen. “I also realized that I didn’t have a lot of knowledge on teen pregnancy or the hardships of it and thought that volunteering at YoungLives would be a good way to …

Mikki Doerger had that life-changing moment when she and her husband said, “Yes,” to a pilgrimage with the Catholic Medical Association to Mexico City, where Mater Filius originated. Four years later, Doerger and her husband now oversee and manage operations at Mater Filius Queen City. “Mater Filius is an international …

By Marinella Bandini Jerusalem, Sep 17, 2023 / 07:00 am Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulcher, one of the holiest places in the world for Christians and an important pilgrimage site since the fourth century, is revealing more of its secrets. Ongoing archaeological investigations related to the restoration of the basilica’s …

What are Eucharistic miracles? Do they still occur? Eucharistic miracles are extraordinary events that confirm the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Though rare, they have occurred in various places and times in history. The Church, through the local bishop, may investigate and ultimately approve them, but there is …

Totus Tuus group at St. Margaret-St. John (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
About a year ago I applied for a grant to help my fledgling magazine, Embodied, that is grounded in Pope St. John Paul II’s writings about the human person. I was struck by one question: “For whom does your heart break?” This brought an immediate wave of deep sadness, but …

A commitment to serving parents before, during, and after pregnancy is one of the many ways Catholic Social Services of Miami Valley (CSSMV) makes a difference for families in the northern part of the archdiocese. Laura Roesch, the Chief Executive Officer of CSSMV, said around 1,750 individuals were served through …