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Creating a space for students to use their time, talent and treasure to serve in the community is at the heart of Seton Helping Saints (SHS), a student-led organization with more than 100 members at Seton High School, an all-girls Catholic school in Cincinnati. “It’s so important to teach young …

On today’s menu, sweet and sour chicken with fried rice. For dessert, banana pudding. “This is a new one for us,” says Pat Freisthler, who has volunteered to cook at Holy Angels Soup Kitchen in Sidney since he first brought CCD students to volunteer a decade ago. Each day is …

A garden project not only provides sustenance to the hungry, but also fosters a stronger sense of community. Meg Anderson and Matt Davidson, married parishioners of the Crescent Family of Parishes just east of Cincinnati, share a passion for gardening. Last year, they learned of a Dayton-area cooperative that turned …

Note: This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” (TOB). By taking on our human nature in the Incarnation, Jesus, the eternal Son of the Father, united himself intimately with us. He did this in order to save us from …

My wife and I attended Mass on a typical Sunday many years ago, but what happened that day was not typical—in fact, it changed our lives. Our pastor invited a parishioner, Joe, to share a personal witness about the importance of sacrificial giving. Until then, I thought people gave to …

When you think of “stewardship,” what comes to mind? Is it money? Is it the act of caring for our sacred spaces? Or, is it perhaps a dedication towards spiritual growth? For members at Immaculate Conception Church in Celina, the parish has placed stewardship at the forefront for some time. …

“Who can find a good wife? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.” (Prov. 31:10-11) A few months ago, I started listening to The Catholic Money Show for some monetary motivation, after which my …

1) St. Mary Elementary Reunion On Aug. 12, the St. Mary Alumni Association held an all class reunion. The event started with Mass, followed by a tour of the church, a display of parish and school memorabilia in the school building and a catered meal in Beckmeyer Hall. Approximately 170 …

When traveling to an unknown destination, a map, GPS or similar guide is essential for your journey to help you arrive at your destination without getting lost or stuck in an unknown area. At Mary, Queen of Heaven Family of Parishes, Director of Stewardship & Parish Resources Tim Clifford knows …

Ours is a mind boggling faith. God is one, yet He is three Persons who are each also God. He is invisible, yet the Second Person possesses a visible, human body. When this Second Person united a human nature to His divine nature, He became both fully human and fully …