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Catholic Schools, Tax Dollars and Religious Discrimination

In June 2023, the Oklahoma Statewide Virtual Charter School Board (the “Board”) approved an application from the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City and the Diocese of Tulsa to create a virtual Catholic school, St. Isidore of Seville. Like all other virtual charter schools in Oklahoma, St. Isidore will be tuition free, …
The Sign of the Cross

What is the origin and meaning of the Sign of the Cross? The holiest of signs is the Sign of the Cross. As Catholics, we make it so often that perhaps we take it for granted. It is a profound and powerful act that invokes the Trinity, Jesus’ crucifixion, and …
Before Christ

What does the Church believe happened to the souls of those who lived before Christ? Many presume that those souls who lived before Jesus had no opportunity to attain heaven, but the Catholic Church teaches that salvation is a gift from God offered to all people. Those who lived before …
Closure of St. Martin of Tours Catholic School, Cincinnati

St. Martin of Tours Catholic School, operated by St. Martin of Tours Parish in Cheviot, will close following the completion of the 2023-2024 school year. The pastor, pastoral council and finance council of St. Martin of Tours Parish — in consultation with the Catholic Schools Office of the archdiocese — …
A Missed Opportunity

by John Stegeman Nine days before Christmas I missed an opportunity to share my faith in Jesus. I took a walk from my office to the downtown Cincinnati Kroger. Anyone familiar with the area knows that the space in front of Kroger attracts all kinds. Sometimes there are panhandlers, other …
What Gives You Pause in Your Faith?

I ran two whole miles yesterday. That doesn’t sound like a lot, so let’s call it 10,560 feet; and I ran them all without stopping. This is huge for me, not because I’ve never been the athletic type, but because, by God’s grace, I’m recognizing more frequently my fear of …
How to pray the 300-year-old ‘Christmas novena’

By Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Dec 15, 2023 / 17:15 pm An Italian priest named Father Charles Vachetta is credited with writing a novena in 1721 to inspire his parishioners during Advent. Today, that novena is known as the “Christmas novena.” The nine-day prayer begins on Dec. 16 and concludes …
Disinterested Giving in Truman Capote’s “A Christmas Memory”

In his January 16, 1980, general audience, Pope St. John Paul II noted that the second creation account in Genesis affirms two essential truths about the human person. The first is that the human is the only creature that God “willed for its own sake.” All other created things are …
Out and About in the Archdiocese for December 2023

1) An Evening with the Priests The Dayton faithful celebrated an evening in October to “get to know” the priest faculty and seminarians at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology. Pictured: L-R seated: Debbie Danis, Justin Hanks, Jack Adam, Carol Adam; L-R: standing: Father Adam Berning, Dr. …
Las Guadalupanas Draws Women to Our Blessed Mother

by April Deocariza After Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego in 1531, nearly nine million indigenous people in Mexico converted to the Catholic faith, and she became the patroness of the unborn and the Americas. Nearly 500 years later, Our Lady’s influence and intercession remain, felt even 2,000 …