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Dave Campbell: Religion Teacher, Leaders in Discipleship

by John Stegeman Dave Campbell has taught religion at Cincinnati’s Archbishop Moeller High School for the past 13 years, and it’s fair to say he loves his job. “I really enjoy teaching religion,” he said. “I think so many kids have come up through the Catholic schools, and some of …
Lisa Fullenkamp: Adult Sacramental Prep, Leaders in Discipleship

by Matt Hess God works quietly in human hearts, drawing all people to Himself. This pull of Christ in everyday people’s lives is apparent to those working in evangelization throughout our archdiocese. Lisa Fullenkamp is one of those lucky enough to witness this. As the Coordinator of Adult Sacramental Preparation …
Let the Scavenger Hunt Begin!

Researching family history can be daunting, however, examining clues your ancestors left behind can be both challenging and exciting. Here’s your opportunity to become the family historian detective as you examine evidence found during your scavenger hunt. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR RESEARCH. To begin, print out several of the following …
Campus Ministers, Leader, Putting Faith into Practice, Leaders in Discipleship

by Lisa Fletcher Providing a strong foundation for students to know and love the Catholic faith is at the heart of Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Simply having the knowledge, however, isn’t enough. Without meaningful ways to consistently practice the faith, students miss a crucial component in developing …
Walking Among the Flock

Can you remember moments in your life where others helped guide you in your faith? I was on a Confirmation retreat in eighth grade. We were staying at a church camp in Minden, Louisiana. It was hot, and there were just a handful of us there: one girls’ cabin and …
Catholic Educators Play a Crucial Role

I was raised in a loving, Catholic family. We went to Mass every Sunday, prayed the Rosary weekly as a family and attended Catholic school. We all played sports, served Mass and participated in Catholic youth groups and other faith building programs. I am grateful for the opportunities my parents …
St. Benedict the Moor Parish and West Dayton’s Black Catholic Community

by Mark Danis Philippians 3:13; “But one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” St. Paul’s challenge to “press toward the goal,” …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for February 2024

February For the terminally ill We pray that those with a terminal illness, and their families, receive the necessary physical and spiritual care and accompaniment.
Culinary Chemistry

When sitting in chemistry class, many high school students lament, “When am I ever going to use this information?” To be fair, not everyone ends up using Bunsen burners regularly. However, everyone has to eat. A new program at McNicholas High School, first offered last year, blends science and sustenance. …
We Need Catholic Schools More than Ever

In the early 1980s my parents faced a quandary: I was the oldest child, and it was time to enroll me in kindergarten. My dad, a history teacher, was recently laid off from the local public school. While both parents were baptized Catholic and my mother attended Catholic school through …