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All Catholic school baseball showcase coming to Xenia

By John Stegeman Six of Ohio’s top high school baseball programs will participate in a season-opening showcase March 23 at the Athletes in Action Sports Complex in Xenia. The event features exclusively Catholic high schools, a celebrity speaker and Mass. Mike Hoendorf, the showcase’s director and founder, is a long-time …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for March 2024

For the new martyrs We pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the world inflame the Church with their courage and missionary enthusiasm.
Catholic Spirituality: Dominicans

To understand Dominican spirituality, one needs to know the circumstances that prompted the founding of the Order of Preachers in the early 13th century St. Dominic founded the Order in 1216 in response to the Albigensian heresy spreading throughout southern France. Many people were falling prey to this heresy because …
The Particularity of Holy Simplicity

For years I’ve moonlighted as a minimalist consultant, guiding clients as they simplify their possessions and demands on their time. Talking about simplicity makes me bubble over with enthusiasm, as when you share a life-changing book or a crowd- pleasing recipe. You’ve found something so good that it’s hard not …
Bringing Parishes Together through the Eucharist

What better way to bring a Family of Parishes together than through the Eucharist, the source and summit of Catholic life? That was the thought of Father Ed Burns and his staff at Tri- County Catholics Family of Parishes, which includes St. Gabriel and St. Michael churches in Cincinnati and …
Return to Confession.. but what do I do?

How to return to confession If you have been away from the church, or if you have been reluctant or unable to see a priest for confession, you are invited to experience the reconciling peace of Christ through the grace of this sacrament, also called the sacrament of reconciliation. Peace …
Seek the Lord for March 2024

Catholics mark the beginning of the holy season of Lent with the reception of blessed ashes, acknowledging our sinfulness and the reality that one day we ourselves will return to dust. Over the course of these 40 days, the Church encourages us to refocus our lives on the things of …
Out and the Archdiocese for February 2024

1) New Blue Ribbon Schools St. Margaret of York School and St. Mary’s School in Hyde Park earned the designation of an Exemplary High Performing National Blue Ribbon School for 2023. The U.S. Department of Education recognized 353 schools as National Blue Ribbon Schools this year and stated that National …
Groaning Through Lent with St. Paul and Flannery O’Connor

The most obvious association that people have with Lent is of “giving something up.” In many cases, of course, this is perfectly legitimate. Along with prayer and almsgiving, fasting is one of the three traditional pillars of Lenten observance, and it is mandated (with exceptions) on Ash Wednesday and Good …
Holy Angels Sidney

The original building used for Masses (celebrated by visiting priests) at what is now Holy Angels Parish in Sidney was blown up by the anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant Know-Nothing Party (strongly supported in Ohio) in 1855. 1848 First Masses celebrated in parishioners’ homes. 1852 20 x 60-ft. former cooper’s shop purchased for …