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French Cardinal Barbarin talks to reporters at the end of a meeting at the Vatican
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  The resignation of His Holiness Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus, from the office of the papacy may go down as one of the biggest media events of 2013. Many newspapers, radio stations and television channels devoted time and resources to covering everything from Benedict’s last …

Television crew works in tent overlooking colonnade at Vatican
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Citing unauthorized press reports on their preparatory meetings for the upcoming papal election, the College of Cardinals agreed to a media blackout similar to one observed before the previous conclave in 2005. The change was announced March 6 in …

U.S. cardinals arrive for meeting at synod hall at Vatican
By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY (CNS) — After completing their third pre-conclave meeting, the College of Cardinals still had not announced a date for the conclave. Instead, they used the March 4 and 5 meetings to discuss needs of the church. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican …

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Chanting the Litany of the Saints, asking a host of holy men and women to help them, the cardinals enter the Sistine Chapel in procession, aware of their enormous responsibility to elect a new pope. Less than half of the …

Cardinals attend a meeting at the Synod Hall in the Vatican
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The period immediately following a pontificate is one of excited speculation, more or less loose, about the identity of the next pope. Though secrecy rules do not forbid cardinals from naming their preferences, custom and prudence effectively do. In …

Sede Vacante
UPDATE: For more up to date information, visit Conclave Central.   Effective Thursday at 2 p.m. Eastern, 8 p.m. in Rome, the papacy of Benedict XVI came to an end. With that, the Catholic Church entered a period of sede vacante. Sede vacante is Latin for “the seat being empty” …

Pope Benedict XVI blesses people gathered in the town square after arriving in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Feb. 28. It was his final public appearance before he drew to a close his papacy. “I am a simple pilgrim who begins the last stage of his pilgrimage on this earth,” he told the crowd. (CNS/Paul Haring) (Feb. 28, 2013) See BENEDICT-CASTELGANDOLFO (Feb. 28, 2013)
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service  CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy () — Pope Benedict XVI, who began his papacy describing himself as a “humble servant in the Lord’s vineyard,” described his retirement as a time of being a “simple pilgrim, who begins the last stage of his pilgrimage on this earth.” …

Pope Benedict XVI addresses cardinals on final day of papacy at Vatican City
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — The Clementine Hall is traditionally the place where cardinals bid farewell to popes at the end of a pontificate, but usually when the pope in question is lying in state before his funeral. But on Feb. 28, hours before resigning …

Papal audience
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph ROME — More than 150,000 pilgrims turned out for Pope Benedict XVI’s final general audience Wednesday Morning in St. Peter’s Square. Millions more around the world watched the audience via EWTN and a live feed on the Vatican’s website. Others followed online as The …

Archbishop Schnurr celebrates a mass for Pope Benedict XVI
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  (Video & full text of homily  below) Just two days before it ends, Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated a Mass of Thanksgivings for the Petrine Ministry of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Tuesday morning at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains …