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Pope urges doctrinal office to act ‘decisively’ against sex abuse

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis reaffirmed the importance of responding decisively to the problem of the sexual abuse of minors by members of the clergy and called on the Vatican office dealing with suspected cases to continue carrying out its mandate. During an …
Safeguarding creation expected to be major theme at WYD in Rio

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — When hundreds of thousands of young Catholics gather with Pope Francis in Rio de Janeiro in the summer, reflections on safeguarding the environment will be part of the program. Like earlier editions of World Youth Day, the July celebration in …
Honduras trip: ‘Experience that will last a lifetime’

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Their time in Tegucigalpa, Honduras was short, less than week for most, but it was enough to be a life changing experience for visitors from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who traveled to the Central American country in early February. They were warmly welcomed …
College presidents discuss promoting Catholic identity on campus

By Joseph Austin Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — The University of Dallas, an independent Catholic university, has a “flavor that you can’t get certainly at secular institutions,” president Thomas Keefe told Catholic News Service. “We are very clear in our specific mission distinctiveness” to promote the Catholic identity of …
WLWT dubs Archbishop Schnurr, ‘Archbishop of optimism’

Staff Report In a nearly three minute video segment now posted online, WLWT reporter John London dubbed Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr the “archbishop of optimism.” The interview was an opportunity for the archbishop to give a “state of the church” type of update to the people of the archdiocese. London visited …
Happy Easter: A selection of prayers

Staff Report The USCCB website, citing the Congregation for Divine Worshipand the Discipline of the Sacraments, says, “Easter Sunday, the greatest solemnity in the liturgical year, is often associated with many displays of popular piety: these are all cultic expressions which proclaim the new and glorious condition of the risen Christ, and the …
Holy Saturday: A selection of prayers

Staff Report On the topic of Holy Saturday, the USCCB Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments says “On Holy Saturday, the Church pauses at the Lord’s tomb, meditating his Passion and Death, his descent into Hell, and, with prayer and fasting, awaits his resurrection. “Popular piety should …
Good Friday: A selection of prayers

Staff Report Good Friday is the day when sacred tradition claims that Jesus endured his passion on the cross. According to the USCCB, “The Church celebrates the redemptive death of Christ on Good Friday. The Church meditates on the Lord’s Passion in the afternoon liturgical action, in which she prays …
Archbishop Schnurr interview to air on WLWT Friday

Staff Report WLWT’s John London visited the Archdiocese of Cincinnati headquarters in downtown Cincinnati on Holy Thursday for an exclusive interview with Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. The interview is scheduled to air during the evening news on Good Friday. London told The Catholic Telegraph he intended to speak with Archbishop …
Pope Francis: Priests should be ‘shepherds living with the smell of the sheep’

FOR THE MOST UP TO DATE NEWS ON POPE FRANCIS AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, click here. By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis called on the world’s priests to bring the healing power of God’s grace to everyone in need, to stay close to the …