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Ultimate frisbee, vocation tour
Press Release For the third consecutive year, the seminarians of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are traveling the Archdiocese looking for a little friendly competition on the Ultimate Frisbee field. Last summer they competed against nearly 120 teens and young adults in their three-stop tour. They look to do the same …

Pope greets people after leading Angelus at papal villa in Castel Gandolfo
By Catholic News Service  CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) — God wants people to be generous and merciful, not full of condemnation toward others, Pope Francis said.

Archbishop Gomez blesses people holding palms with holy water during Palm Sunday Mass outside Los Angeles cathedral
By Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service  WASHINGTON (CNS) — As pressure to pass an immigration reform bill shifted to the House of Representatives in July, the voices speaking out for more humane treatment of migrants included Pope Francis and former President George W. Bush.

Staff Report The following is a statement by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in response to the June 28 Final Rules on the HHS Mandate.

By Lise Alves Catholic News Service  SAO PAULO (CNS) — The man who confessed to killing a U.S.-born nun in 2005 in Brazil’s Amazon has been released from prison. Rayfran das Neves Sales, who served a little less than eight years of a 27-year sentence for shooting Sister Dorothy Stang, …

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis signed a decree clearing the way for the canonization of Blessed John Paul II and has decided also to ask the world’s cardinals to vote on the canonization of Blessed John XXIII, even in the absence of a …

Staff Report By the time July arrives, school is a distant memory for children and vacation season is in full swing. While grill outs and fireworks are great ways to spend quality time with the family, here are some suggestions for a more spiritually fulfilling July.

  By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph #CatholicCincy may soon be a trending topic on Twitter. Following in the footsteps of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati launched its official Twitter account on Wednesday, July 3.

By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph  When you’ve been a constant and comforting presence in a community for 150 years, a tall celebration is in order. That’s exactly what is happening at St. Boniface Parish in Northside. 

Staff Report The Supreme Court of the United States ruled Wednesday morning that the Defense of Marriage Act, better known as DOMA, is unconstitutional. The decision was split 5-4 in the case officially known as  U.S. vs. Windsor. More on this topic: Supreme Court decisions on DOMA, Prop 8 called …