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By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph  As a child growing up in St. Louis, Mo., one of Franciscan Sister Rose Marie Weckenmann’s favorite activities was making a trip to the neighborhood library and returning home with stacks of books. How fitting then, that her love of the written word …

Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Judy Tensing works with a Power Inspires Progress trainee. (Courtesy Photo)
By Eileen Connelly, OSU  The Catholic Telegraph  From the outside, Venice on Vine looks pretty much like any other pizza place. But, on a damp, chilly day as one steps from the crowded streets of Cincinnati’s Over-the-Rhine into the warmth of the restaurant, there is an unmistakable sense of hospitality …

Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley, left, points out his picture in a St. William yearbook to school staff during his March 14 visit to the school.
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Among the students graduating St. William’s eighth grade in 1988, one dreamed of being an architect or an actor. He ended up the Mayor of Cincinnati.

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  While certainly not a holy day and technically not even a holiday, Opening Day for the Cincinnati Reds is a big deal to the city of Cincinnati. Just as historic as the Reds and the games themselves is the Findlay Market Opening Day Parade, …

  By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis received U.S. President Barack Obama at the Vatican March 27. In what was their first encounter, the two leaders spoke in private for more than 50 minutes, an extraordinarily long time for such a meeting.

A woman prays outside the U.S. Supreme Court building during the March for Life in Washington Jan. 22. Thousands took part in the annual event, which this year marked the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion across the nation. (CNS photo/Leslie Kossoff) (Jan. 22, 2014) See MARCH-SPEAKERS Jan. 22, 2014, and story to come.
By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — Oral arguments in two cases before the U.S. Supreme Court March 25 focused on whether for-profit corporations have religious grounds to object to the new health care law’s requirement that most employers provide contraceptive coverage in their employee health plans.

Penitents wait in line for confession March 18 at St. Antoninus during The Light is ON For You. (CT Photo/John Stegeman)
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  While 213 parishes were open for confession Tuesday, March 18, an exact count of penitents taking advantage of The Light is ON For You was not available. Still, many parishes reported long lines and many priests reported hearing from penitents who hadn’t been to …

Pope Francis blesses a child as he arrives to lead his general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican Feb. 26. (CNS photo/Tony Gentile, Reuters) (Feb. 26, 2014) See POPE-AUDIENCE Feb. 26, 2014.
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — As leader of the universal church, a pope must direct his ministry in both of the ways traditionally described by the Latin terms “ad intra” and “ad extra”: inwardly to the church itself, and outwardly to the rest of the …

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph One catechetical joke asks the question, “What is the difference between a sinner and a saint? The answer — confession. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “after having attained the age of discretion, each of the faithful is bound by an obligation …

From the moment Pope Francis, dressed simply in a white cassock, stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica for the first time and bowed March 13, 2013, he signaled his pontificate would bring some style differences to the papacy. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) (Feb. 27, 2014) See FRANCIS-STYLE Feb. 27, 2014.
By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — In his first year as the 265th successor of Peter, Pope Francis “has brought to light new dimensions of the Petrine ministry and added new life to the office he holds,” the U.S. bishops’ Administrative Committee said March 11. He has done this in …