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A woman walks toward a Hobby Lobby store in Phoenix March 24. The Hobby Lobby chain and Conestoga Wood Specialties are the plaintiffs in two cases before the Supreme Court. They are suing over a federal requirement that employers cover a range of contraceptives and services in their employees' health plans. The companies' Christian owners object to the mandate on religious rights grounds. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec) (March 24, 2014) See SCOTUS-MANDATE and MANDATE-PROTEST March 25, 2014.
Staff Report The Supreme Court decision in the cases involving the Department of Health and Human Services’ contraceptive mandate and for-profit employers Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Woods will be handed down this morning, June 30, around 10 a.m.

Chris Geiger, right, and Deacon Ethan Moore star in the introductory video for the Men of the Mount Youtube channel. (Screenshot)
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  In the time of the New Evangelization, many are turning to so-called new media to help promote the Gospel. The Vocations Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and a group of seminarians from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West at the Athenaeum of …

By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service  WASHINGTON — In a June 26 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that 35-foot buffer zones around abortion clinics — meant to keep demonstrators away — violates First Amendment rights. Supreme Court watchers suspect a decision in the other high-profile case being monitored …

Staff Report The July edition of The Catholic Telegraph will be mailed out soon and several major stories are included. J. Thomas Wray, a married father of two and former Episcopal priest, has been accepted as a candidate for ordination to the Catholic priesthood. This is possible through the Pastoral …

Staff Report  A limited number of Fortnight for Freedom yard signs are available from The Catholic Telegraph at 100 East 8th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. Signs cost $5. Orders must be picked up in person. To order signs call (513) 421-3131, extension 2215.

Staff Report A grain and dairy farming family in St. Henry, Ohio, welcomed Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. Binzer, as well as Catholics from the St. Marys and Sidney deaneries to this year’s Rural-Urban Mass on June 5.

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis‘ schedule for summer 2014 is almost an exact duplicate of the schedule he kept in 2013, except he will be making an August trip to South Korea for Asian Youth Day. Last year, he traveled to Brazil in July …

Press Release The Society of St. Vincent de Paul-Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Reds and WLWT are partnering to Strike Out Hunger in Greater Cincinnati on Friday, June 20 and Saturday, June 21. 

(Editor’s Note: This Catholic News Service report was originally released on March 19, 2014. With Fathers’ Day this weekend, the story has been reposted for your enjoyment.) By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — On the feast of St. Joseph, patron saint of the universal church and Jesus’ …

Auxiliary Bishop Andrew H. Cozzens of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Bishop Paul D. Sirba of Duluth, Minn., center, and other bishops read from an iPad June 11 during the annual spring meeting of the U .S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in New Orleans. (CNS photo/Bob Roller) (June 12, 2014) See BISHOPS- June 11 and 12, 2014.
By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service  NEW ORLEANS — The U.S. bishops gathered in New Orleans for their spring general assembly June 11-13, were urged to promote and support Catholic families. Among the bishops in attendance were the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. …