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Respect Life Sunday is October 5

Staff Report The Archdiocese of Cincinnati, in unison with all Catholic dioceses in the United States, will celebrate Respect Life Sunday the weekend of Oct. 4-5. This year’s theme from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is “Each of us is a masterpiece of God’s creation.”
Week 5 standings and Week 6 opponents for archdiocese Catholic HS football teams

Staff Report Harkening back to older times where The Catholic Telegraph published high school football information in the print edition, for the remainder of the season we’ll be posting the collected standings and weekly opponents of all of our Catholic high school football teams here each Friday. Here are the standings through week five with week …
Throwback Thursday: Guardian Angels artist was spot on

Staff Report The artist’s rendition is a key visual in the promotion of any construction project. An artist making such a piece is creating the final “sales pitch” to the public to show what a finished project might be like and one such example is today’s Throwback Thursday. Every once …
Welcome to The Catholic Telegraph’s 2014 Mission section!

The following is a letter from Mike Gable, Mission Office Director for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. See below for a selection of stories from the October 2014 print edition’s Mission Section. Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today vast numbers of people still do not know Jesus Christ. For this reason, the …
Meet the Missionaries: NET Ministries serving archdiocese and beyond

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph NET Ministries, a popular youth evangelization outreach, has hosted retreats in this region before, but a new office located at the Archdiocese of Cincinnati headquarters has strengthened its presence. This year youth from the archdiocese are serving as NET missionaries around the country, while …
Catholic Charities relocating from downtown Cincinnati

Staff Report Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio announced today that the 100-year-old organization will relocate from its present location in downtown Cincinnati to the Mid Pointe Tower building in Roselawn, beginning Jan. 9, 2015. A post on the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Facebook page linked to a story in the Cincinnati …
Local seminary booming with potential priests

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Two men were ordained priests for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati this year. Two were ordained last year as well, but going forward the numbers are expected to spike. Pending 100 percent retention, four men are scheduled to be ordained in 2015 from the local …
Pew looks at perceptions of discrimination against people of faith

By Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — People of various religious groups tend to think followers of their faith are more apt to face discrimination than the general public thinks, but majorities of all backgrounds agree that Muslims, gays/lesbians, blacks and Hispanics face discrimination. According to a Pew Research …
Week 4 standings and Week 5 opponents for archdiocese Catholic HS football teams

Staff Report Harkening back to older times where The Catholic Telegraph published high school football information in the print edition, for the remainder of the season we’ll be posting the collected standings and weekly opponents of all of our Catholic high school football teams here each Friday. Here are the …
Throwback Thursday: Catholic prep football in the CT

Staff Report As far as The Catholic Telegraph staff can tell, this newspaper never had a traditional sports page. Still, the schedules, standings, awards and related happenings involving area Catholics and sports often found their way into the pages. Today’s Throwback Thursday is from a late-August edition in 1967. Back …