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Local food pantries need ‘Weekend Warriors’

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Are you looking for an opportunity for fellowship, a team building experience, the chance to nourish the body, mind and spirit of those in need? Then the Over-the-Rhine and Walnut Hills Soup Kitchens and Pantry would love to have you. Both soup kitchens …
Synod fathers ask: Does church need to watch language?

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — In official reports of the closed-door talks at the Synod of Bishops on the family, an emerging theme has been the call for a new kind of language more appropriate for pastoral care today. “Language appeared many, many times,” Basilian …
Pope before synod: Listen to ‘beat’ of the times, keep eyes on Christ

By Elise Harris CNA/EWTN News VATICAN CITY — In a prayer vigil set before the opening of the synod of bishops, Pope Francis said we must be attentive to the signs of the times to see the needs of the family by listening, being open and looking to the Lord. …
Week 6 standings and Week 7 opponents for archdiocese Catholic HS football teams

Staff Report Harkening back to older times where The Catholic Telegraph published high school football information in the print edition, for the remainder of the season we’ll be posting the collected standings and weekly opponents of all of our Catholic high school football teams here each Friday. Here are the standings through week six with week …
Throwback Thursday: Death of a Pope

Staff Report This Throwback Thursday is another somber one as it was 56 years ago today that venerable Pope Pius XII died in Rome, just days after suffering a stroke. Reports from the Oct. 17, 1958 edition of The Catholic Telegraph-Register shows former Cincinnati Reds stadium Crosley Field being used …
Recap: Proclaim Day 2 (Photos added)

Staff Report DAYTON — Proclaim, a convocation of ordained and lay leaders from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, was brought to a close Tuesday with praise and singing, much as it began a day before. See Photo Gallery Below More about Proclaim Day 1 recap Archbishop Schnurr announces new mission statement …
Follow Day 2 at Proclaim live

Staff Report DAYTON — The second day of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Proclaim Convocation resumed at 8 a.m. Tuesday at the Dayton Convention Center. The keynote speeches, featuring three speakers, will be live streamed HERE and The Catholic Telegraph will be live-tweeting the event from onsite.
Archbishop Schnurr announces new mission, vision statements for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph DAYTON — Speaking at an informal event after the first day of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati “Proclaim” conference in Dayton on Monday, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr announced new mission and vision statements for the archdiocese.
Follow the events of Proclaim live

Staff Report More than 1,000 ordained and lay leaders from Archdiocese of Cincinnati parishes and schools have gathered at the Dayton Convention Center for Proclaim. The opening Mass and keynote speeches will be live streamed HERE and The Catholic Telegraph will be live-tweeting the event from onsite.
More than 1,000 Catholics expected at “Proclaim” summit

Staff Report Follow what’s happening live at Proclaim 2014 here! A full house of more than 1,000 parish and school leaders – clergy and lay – from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, including Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. Binzer, will gather at the Dayton Convention …