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Around the Archdiocese: November 12

Staff Report Below are news and notes from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. St. Xavier mentoring program wins award St. Xavier High School’s Big Buddies project, which involves nearly 100 students in providing positive male role models and emphasizing the importance of education to underserved boys at area Boys & …
Divorce ministry reaches out to help Catholics heal

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Divorce devastates people and Catholics are particularly affected. About 18 years, ago Tom Fagan, a member of Emmanuel Parish in Dayton, experienced divorce “and, at that time, there was nothing out there to help me” through those difficult days.
Ruling sets up possible Supreme Court round on same-sex marriage

By Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — Although the Supreme Court just a few weeks ago declined to accept any of several challenges to rulings making same-sex marriage legal in various states, a 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision Nov. 6 could lead to another shot at the …
Playoff pairings and final standings for archdiocese Catholic HS football teams

Staff Report Nine of the 15 teams included in’s weekly football standings have made the OHSAA playoffs and several take the field tonight. Below are the final standings of the 2014 high school football season with playoff opponents listed where applicable. Note from the OHSAA: Generally, divisions II, III, …
Throwback Thursday: Carroll HS founded, honoring first American bishop

Staff Report Carroll High School in Dayton opened its doors in August of 1961. The then-new school has been educating young men and women of faith ever since in the spirit of its namesake, Archbishop John Carroll. This edition of Throwback Thursday highlights coverage from Carroll High School’s opening in …
White Mass to honor caregivers for 10th year

Press Release Dozens of caregivers from across Greater Cincinnati will be honored at a special Mass Sunday Nov. 9 at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains in downtown Cincinnati. Called the “White Mass” in honor of the clothing traditionally worn by members of the caring professions, the Mass and reception that …
Infant’s death leads to unique ministry for parents

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph The death of an infant has led to the birth of a ministry. A birth normally prompts a family celebration but at times things go wrong. Some infants are stillborn, others survive less than a year because of congenital problems. Ava Diehl was …
Mother and grandmother recalls journey to religious life

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph As a young girl growing up in Mexico City, Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Cristina Garces dreamt of becoming a doctor and a missionary, of traveling the world to help others in need. She came to realize, though, that her plan wasn’t …
Students from CISE school trick-or-treat at archdiocese HQ

Staff Report On Halloween a group of students from St. Francis Seraph Catholic school in Over-the-Rhine were given an opportunity to trick-or-treat in a safe place hours before the evening candy-seekers hit the streets.
Playoff glance and week 9 standings for archdiocese Catholic HS football teams

Staff Report On a cold, wet night better known for trick-or-treat, the regular high school football season will come to an end. For most seniors statewide, tonight is the last game. For many, the playoff beckon and for others, tonight is a must win to continue their prep careers.