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CHOSEN youth rally draws 650 (Photos)

Staff Report Roughly 450 youth, 100 chaperones, 65 parents and 35 volunteers took part in “CHOSEN: Called to be More” at Good Shepherd Nov. 8. The four-and-a-half-hour youth rally included Mass, exposition, music and talks led by NET Ministries. Parents present attended a separate session designed just for them.
Planned Parenthood abortion center to remain open, pro-life advocates undeterred

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio will not be forced to shut down a Cincinnati abortion clinic after the Ohio Department of Health granted the abortion provider a variance, allowing it to remain open despite not having a written transfer agreement with a local hospital. …
Throwback Thursday: Catholic Campaign for Human Development announced under different name

Staff Report Parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and the nation will take up collections this weekend for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Today’s Throwback Thursday heralds the announcement of said campaign in 1969, but under a different name. The Nov. 6, 1969 edition of The Catholic Telegraph announced …
Jesus invites all to take risk ‘of being more,’ says Chicago archbishop upon installation

By Catholic News Service CHICAGO — At his installation as the ninth archbishop of Chicago Nov. 18, Archbishop Blase J.Cupich urged the congregation at Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral to fearlessly share their faith recognizing that God calls them “to more” and “to greater things.” Before an overflow crowd, the archbishop …
Pope confirms he will visit Philadelphia in September

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis said he would attend the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia in September, making it the first confirmed stop on what is expected to be a more extensive papal visit to North America. The pope made the announcement …
Fall sports report: MND wins state for eighth time

Staff Report DAYTON — For a record-tying eighth time, Cincinnati Mount Notre Dame took home the OHSAA Division I volleyball state championship as the Cougars beat Massillon Jackson 3-0 (25-17, 25-19, 25-18) Nov. 8 at Wright State University. See below for sports updates from Badin, McNicholas, Moeller, St. Xavier, Chaminade …
Japanese delegation visits St. Ignatius school

Press Release As part of St. Ignatius Loyola School’s cultural exchange program, 21 students and two chaperones from ShotoKu Gakuen, a school in Gifu City in Japan, stayed with St. Ignatius families for a week.
Throwback Thursday: Trains before planes

Staff Report One characteristic in the life of a priest is that one goes where they are sent. The same is true even for bishops who are appointed to their posts by the Holy Father in Rome. Nowadays national and international travel are common and relatively quick thanks to the …
Around the Archdiocese: November 12

Staff Report Below are news and notes from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. St. Xavier mentoring program wins award St. Xavier High School’s Big Buddies project, which involves nearly 100 students in providing positive male role models and emphasizing the importance of education to underserved boys at area Boys & …
Divorce ministry reaches out to help Catholics heal

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Divorce devastates people and Catholics are particularly affected. About 18 years, ago Tom Fagan, a member of Emmanuel Parish in Dayton, experienced divorce “and, at that time, there was nothing out there to help me” through those difficult days.