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By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph  Deacon Andrew Cordonnier was surprised to feel God calling him to the priesthood — but he was the only one. The 28-year-old native of Russia, Ohio will be ordained to the priesthood at 11 a.m. Dec. 27 at St. Remy Church in Russia, Ohio, …

Staff Report This Throwback Thursday post is scheduled for Dec. 18, but it looks ahead to Dec. 20. Dec. 20 is an important date in the life of a man born in Dayton, Ohio who would go to Rome to become a priest and eventually sit in the Bishop’s Chair …

Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Damienne Grismer enjoys a visit with MND students as part of the Adopt-A-Sister Club. (CT Photo/Walt Schaefer)
By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Damienne Grismer plans to learn how to knit. “These girls are going to make me,” said Sister Damienne with a laugh. “A lot of my fellow sisters doubt I’ll knit, that it’s ever going to happen. But, …

Staff Report The new liturgical year has already begun and the new calendar year is just around the corner. With that in mind The Catholic Telegraph invites readers once again to rank the Top 10 Stories of 2014. With the help of website analytics and staff consultation, The Catholic Telegraph was able …

Mother of Mercy High School Students pose with canned goods collected for the needy. (Courtesy Photo/Mercy High School)
Staff Report Below are news items from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Mercy students collect canned goods with papal flair Mother of Mercy High School was one of many to collect food for the needy prior to thanksgiving, but the Bobcats did it with a unique approach. Two weeks before …

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has posted a job opening for an archivist as preparations are underway to move the records and museum-quality artifacts to their new home at 25 East 8th Street, adjacent to St. Louis Church. The former home to the archdiocese’s broadcast …

By Greg Hartman The Catholic Telegraph This time of year offers many chances to grow in faith. Here are suggested Family Life activities for December and the surrounding time.

Staff Report The 27th national collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious will be held December 13-14 in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The annual, parish-based appeal is coordinated by the National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) in Washington and benefits more than 35,000 senior Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests.

Staff Report Thanksgiving Day was instituted by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 to praise God for the blessings he has granted to our nation. While the holiday’s origins aren’t Catholic, the very act of the Mass itself is in part an offering of thanksgiving to God. In 1968 the U.S. …

Staff Report With Thanksgiving Day approaching, The Catholic Telegraph invited its followers on Facebook and Twitter to share what they’re thankful for using the hashtag #GratefulCatholicCincy. #GratefulCatholicCincy Tweets As soon as the invitation went out on Wednesday morning, the official Twitter account of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati (@CatholicCincy) began sharing …