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God of power and mercy, you destroy war and put down earthly pride. Banish violence from our midst and wipe away our tears, that we may all deserve to be called your sons and daughters. Keep in your mercy those men and women who have died in the cause of …

Names are a significant part of an individual’s identity, embodying personality, religious and cultural roots, and family background. Naming is one of the great privileges given to Adam in the Garden of Eden. “Genesis” means “beginning.” The first book of the Bible is a book of origins, and there are …

Every rite, ritual, discipline and devotion of the Catholic Church is ordered by and around the Eucharist, which the Second Vatican Council calls the “source and summit of the whole Christian life” (Lumen Gentium 11). The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) further underscores that “the moral life finds its …

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati joyfully celebrated the ordination of seven new priests on Saturday May 18, 2024. The men were ordained to the priesthood for service to God and the Church. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated the Mass.  The Mass was live streamed on the Archdiocese of Cincinnati YouTube channel. …

1. Empty Bowls Event at SUA Saint Ursula Academy art students hosted the annual Empty Bowls event on campus on March 3. Empty Bowls provides awareness about homelessness and hunger in our community through an event that starts with the creation and sale of ceramic bowls. This year’s proceeds from …

Note: This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” (TOB). Central to Jesus’ moral teaching, which I have referred to as the New Law of the Gospel, is His appeal to the human heart. In his Theology of the Body …

Thursday, May 30, 2024 Holy Family Dayton 140 S Findley St., Dayton 45403 The Feast of Corpus Christi is a very big Feast here at Holy Family! On Thursday Morning at  7:30 a.m.  we will begin preparing the decorations. An artist will sketch the images on the sidewalk with colored …

by Lisa Fletcher Westside Catholic Family of Parishes, which includes St. Teresa of Avila, St. William, St. Lawrence and Resurrection of Our Lord churches in Cincinnati, is eagerly preparing for their 25th anniversary celebration of the Feast of the Corpus Christi. With music, singing, prayer and community spirit, this annual …

Award-winning poet and Catholic convert Sally Read has crafted a lively new Catholic poetry anthology. It is no coincidence that nearly a third of the poets included in this volume were converts. As Read writes in her introduction: I knew the Church’s rightness as I witnessed its liturgy and prayer. …