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Staff Report DePaul Cristo Rey High School in Cincinnati has been experiencing a year of firsts. The school’s first graduating class will receive diplomas May 31 (and 100 percent of them have been accepted to college). The basketball team had its first successful season. Now the school has had its …

Staff Report The Priests’ Personnel Office announced the following information regarding assignments on April 8. 

CNA/EWTN News The numbers are in: almost 600 Catholic men will be ordained priests for the U.S. in 2015, an increase of more than 100 from last year. Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Raleigh, N.C. said April 7 that the increase in ordination numbers is “encouraging.” The bishop, who heads …

Staff Report The Cure Starts Now Foundation confirmed media reports early Friday that Lauren Hill, a Mount St. Joseph University freshman basketball player who suffered from a fatal brain cancer called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glimoa, died overnight. Hill was 19.

Staff Report Residents of Cincinnati’s West End neighborhood need only look up to see the “tower of faith” that is St. Joseph Catholic Church — the focus of today’s Throwback Thursday.

Staff Report Holy Week is the most sacred time in the church year, culminating in the triduum and Easter, celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus. All parishes of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrations of Holy Week. As the official church of the archbishop, the Cathedral of St. Peter in …

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service  VATICAN CITY — Christians live the joy of the Resurrection when they share a smile with someone, weep with those who mourn and defend the rights of those persecuted for their faith, Pope Francis said. Reciting the “Regina Coeli” prayer with thousands of people …

Staff Report For a generation, one man embodied the word pope. Born Karol Wojtyla, he became Pope John Paul II in 1978 and remained in that role until his death, 10 years ago today on April 2, 2005. Today’s Throwback (Holy) Thursday remembers the pontiff who’s death prompted chants of …

Staff Report The funeral of City of Cincinnati Fire Apparatus Operator Daryl Gordon, who was killed in the line of duty March 26, took place at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains Wednesday, April 1. Though Gordon was not a Catholic, the cathedral was chosen as the venue because …

Press Release The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati will join Christians throughout the world in celebrating Holy Week, the most sacred time of the Church year, beginning with Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday) March 29. For Holy Week schedules for most parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, click HERE.