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Staff Report The four Catholic colleges located within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati have each made new in recent weeks. Here’s a look at what’s happening at each school.

Sister Theresa Falkenstein of the Congregation of Divine Providence speaks with young people at an event hosted at St. Monica-St. George. (Courtesy Photo) Staff Report On Sunday April 26, to celebrate the Year for Consecrated Life, St. Monica-St. George parish in Clifton hosted an information fair in the Catholic Center. The …

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Shopping for and preparing meals isn’t easy for people who live on a limited incomes and lack transportation. This includes urban neighborhoods in the Dayton area, ranked fourth in the nation for food hardship. For one week in Lent (March 22-38) the Catholic …

Staff Report Where can you find a sick call box of Archbishop Elder’s, a hat worn at the Second Vatican Council by Archbishop Alter and the handwritten journal of Archbishop Purcell? The Chancery Archives of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati includes these treasures and more. See video below  On May 19 the archives were …

Staff Report Seniors from Lehman Catholic High School take the traditional plunge after their final day of exams on Monday. The class of 2015, fully clothed, jumped into the pool of  Scott and Kristy Sherman of Sidney. Their son, Dylan, is a graduating senior. 

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph The recent ordination of priests for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati took place almost one year to the day following the previous year’s class. The Catholic Telegraph’s Throwback Thursday team caught up with the 2014 ordinands — Father James Riehle and Father Brian Phelps — to …

Staff Report The ordination of new priests at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains always showcases the beauty of the liturgy and the grandeur our local cathedral. Sometimes photographers are also able to capture rarely seen moments that happen behind the scenes. The ordination of Father Ethan Moore, Father Adrian …

Staff Report Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr ordained three men as priests of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Saturday, May 16 at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, in downtown Cincinnati. 

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr will ordain three men priests of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati May 16 at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, Cincinnati. The celebration begins at 11 a.m. A fourth member of the 2015 class of Mount St. Mary’s of the West Seminary …

Staff Report The ordination of a new priest is always cause for celebration. When a class of multiple men are ordained, the celebration is multiplied as the church gains many more shepherds. At priestly ordination a man become a priest forever, but every once in a while, a priest become …