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By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph In 65 cities across the nation Tuesday, people gathered by the thousands to stand against the practices of Planned Parenthood, a national organization that provides abortion as well as other services. In Cincinnati, nearly 500 supporters of life assembled on the sidewalks in front of …

Staff Report In the wake of three undercover videos that have launched several state investigations into Planned Parenthood, more than 50 cities across the U.S. are hosting “Women Betrayed” rallies outside or near Planned Parenthood locations. Locally, Sacred Heart Radio’s Anna Mitchell will emcee a “Women Betrayed” rally outside of …

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Since September, 2014, when Barb and George Freudenberg led the effort to establish a St. Vincent de Paul Conference to serve Norwood, 281 families have been visited and assisted by the 16 member group — all parishioners at Holy Trinity Parish. “We do …

Staff Report You’re probably familiar with Food for All, but if not, you will be soon. A creative branding effort, featuring a fish and bread, the campaign name, and the slogan Be Multiplied, the branding calls to mind Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and …

By John Stegeman  The Catholic Telegraph Here’s a take on the importance of marriage, as God designed it, that you may not have heard. “The child has the right to be conceived, carried in the womb, brought into the world and brought up within marriage: it is through the secure …

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr has granted his permission and supports efforts to name Old St. Mary’s Church, Over-the-Rhine, a minor basilica. Old St. Mary’s, the oldest standing Catholic church in continuous operation in Cincinnati will be celebrating its 175th anniversary on July …

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph On August 2, 2010, 750 people came to the first Mass at the then newly formed Church of the Resurrection in Bond Hill, a largely African-American congregation created by the merger of four parishes in the heart of Cincinnati. “We’ve not had that …

Staff Report Today’s Friday Photo follows a resident of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati all the way to Germany. Moeller High School student Riley Jones received a free study trip to Germany after placing above the 90th percentile on the AATG National German Exam, which allowed him to apply and interview for a …

Staff Report Catholic Journalism in the 1800s was a different thing. If a diocese became an archdiocese in the U.S. today, it’d probably make the front page as soon as word reached the editor. The situation played out differently in 1850. On July 19, 1850, Pope Pius IX elevated the …

By Catholic News Service DENVER — The Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious entities are not substantially burdened by procedures set out by the federal government by which they can avoid a requirement to provide contraceptive coverage in health insurance, the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled July …