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A picture says a thousand words: Moeller Swim Team giving back

Moeller Swim Team spent their morning at “Hands against Hunger”/A Child’s Hope International. 400 volunteers on hand made over 140,000 meals.
A picture says a thousand words: McNicholas stands with Withrow

In the wake of the recent graffiti attack at Withrow High School in Cincinnati, Students from McNicholas Stand with the students of Withrow.
DePaul Cristo Rey Celebrates 100% College Acceptance for third year in a row

For the third year in a row DePaul Cristo Rey High School’s senior class has achieved 100 percent college acceptance. Every member of the Class of 2017 has been accepted to at least one college, most have been accepted to multiple schools, and these seniors have already earned $3.8 million …
Resolution for 2017: Work less, love more

Jeanne Hunt A situation occurred at the parish that is nagging me into prayer. When an event occurs that I keep hashing over in my mind, usually there is a lesson there that God wants me to learn: The phone rang and on the other end was a very angry …
Throwback Thursday: Prayer for the President and our Representatives

With Friday being Inauguration Day, This prayer, from the U.S. edition of the Book of Blessings (no. 1965), is an adaptation of the prayer for the Church and for civil authorities which was composed by Archbishop John Carroll for use on the occasion of the inauguration of George Washington in …
Children of Mary establish local motherhouse

For the past three years, the Children of Mary have spread love and reverence for the Eucharistic Lord through their ministry and presence in the archdiocese. In November, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr erected the semi-contemplative religious community as a Public Association of the Faithful. On Nov. 21, the archbishop offered …

Camina con Cristo, a pilot program aimed at raising up lay leaders from within the Latino/Hispanic community in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, recently honored its first thirty-four participants. Dina Beach, Assistant Director for Latino Catechesis at the Archdiocese and coordinator of the pilot said the program forms and empowers leaders …
One Faith One Hope One Love: Tuition assistance applications now being accepted

The application period is now open for Catholic school tuition assistance covering the 2017-18 academic year in our archdiocese. Assistance expenditures will include $2 million from benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. The number and dollar amounts of individual awards will be determined by the board of the …
Faith guides refugee resettlement

On the drive back to Catholic Charities, Chris Kramer contemplated how he would find a three-bedroom home for a family of six refugees arriving in two days. He breathed deeply and prayed to the Lord for help. His prayer was answered when he reached his desk and saw a voicemail …