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A picture says a thousand words: McNicholas Students giving back

A group of Archbishop McNicholas High School seniors returned from the spring Appalachia trip to Grainger County, Tennessee, site of the Glenmary Home Missioners Group Volunteer Program (, after a week of service and community-building.
Rite of Election: Our Lady of The Immaculate Conception Dayton

The Rite of Election closes the Period of the Catechumenate. This rite was held at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Church in Dayton, and St. Peter in Chains Cathedral on Sunday, March 5, 2017. At this rite, upon the testimony of sponsors and catechists and the catechumens’ affirmation of …
150 years of tradition at St. Rose enduring fires, floods, changes

Tom Raabe has been passing the collection basket for 40 years at St. Rose Church in the East End. There have been several times when “a young couple will come in and they’ll say this is the place. This is the church we have to get married in. That’s happened …
A Question of Faith: What are the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin?

By Father David Endres Q: In Genesis 3, it is recorded that Adam and Eve ate from the tree of which God forbid them to eat from, but Eve ate first, inviting Adam to do the same. What if Eve was the only one to eat the fruit – the …
Throwback Thursday: Mother of Mercy High School

Mother of Mercy High School is sponsored by the Religious Sisters of Mercy, a religious community founded in 1831 in Dublin, Ireland. The Sisters from their earliest days were dedicated to the education of young women and to the needs of the sick and the poor. At this time, Mother …
Sisters of Mercy announce blending of McAuley High and Mother of Mercy High in 2018-2019

New school will be called Mercy McAuley High Beginning in fall 2018, Cincinnati’s young women will be served by a new Catholic, Mercy high school that will be called Mercy McAuley High. Blending 160 years of excellence at Mother of Mercy High School and at McAuley High School, the new …
A picture says a thousand words: 40 days for Life

All three 40 Days for Life Campaigns in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati began this week on Ash Wednesday, and two held kickoff rallies Sunday afternoon.
Eight Badin High students earn awards at annual Middletown Arts Center exhibition

Eight Badin High School students earned awards Saturday evening at the opening of the Middletown Art Center’s annual “Tomorrow’s Artists Today” exhibition/competition, which runs through late March. “These are some amazing pieces of art from our students and we are thrilled at their success,” Badin art teacher Sarah Daniels said. …
The Light is ON for You: Now What? How to make a good confession

By Gail Finke Maybe it’s been a few months. Maybe it’s been a few years. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati invites you to the sacrament of reconciliation, especially on Tuesday, March 14th from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. For the fourth year in a row, all parishes or pastoral regions will …
A picture says a thousand words: Mardi Gras Franciscan Style

At Urban Artifacts in Northside, the old St. Patrick Church, the Franciscan’s celebrated with a brand new St. Anthony Quad Beer. For the original story, click here