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Where we stand

There’s a new standing feature on the home page of the Archdiocesan website, designed to make it easier to find perspectives of the local Church on important issues. In the upper right corner, visitors to the site now see the words “WHERE WE STAND.” Clicking on it will take them …
“Discipleship, straight up” Youth Evangelization Office launches VIA, new “way” of ministry

By Gail Finke VIA. It’s a new name, but an ancient idea: Evangelizing to others by the witness of a life of faith, grounded in prayer. “It’s not a new program,” said Brad Bursa, Director of the Office for Youth Evangelization and Discipleship for the archdiocese. “It’s not anything the …
“To me, football meant soccer” Ugandan seminarian finds long-ago sponsors in the NFL

Elias Mwesigye was in for a shock when he found his long-lost benefactors. As a student in Uganda, Mwesigye received a tuition sponsorship from a U.S. couple, “Dave and Joanne,” via a children’s fund. He and the couple exchanged letters through fund managers, so he never had their direct address …
A night out at Theology on Tap

Theology on Tap is a lecture and discussion series for people in their 20’s and 30’s, single or married. It is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and local parishes. They meet in a local bar or restaurant for food, drink and lively discussion about Catholic faith. It’s a chance …
Fr. Endres Question of Faith – How do we receive His Body and Blood?

By Father David Endres Q: I received the Eucharist under both forms – the host and from the chalice – for the first time recently and I felt Christ in my heart as never before. I thought it was because I was receiving the Precious Blood and not just the …
Abide Conference set for June 14th – June 18th at Mount Saint Joseph University

Abide, a great opportunity for high school students, is coming to Cincinnati on June 14th through June 18th at Mount Saint Joseph University. Abide is unique! A typical teen conference lasts three days (at most). Abide is five days. Teens are not only taught about who Jesus is, they live …
Giving Back: Ursuline Students Spend Spring Break at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota

Cincinnati, OH – April 27, 2017: Thirteen Ursuline Academy students spent their spring break in service to others at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. They were accompanied by Ursuline faculty members Ms. Kara Sheldon and Ms. Vicki Zaya, the group spent a week in April doing outreach …
Meet the new Transitional Deacons

April 29, 2017 – On a stormy morning which brought flooding, trees and power lines down throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, four men along with a full crowd at The Cathedral of Saint Peter in Chains gathered for the Ordination of Deacons. The men ordained were Craig Edward Best from …
A picture says a thousand words: Seton High School Shows Support

Seton High School wore Seton green and purple today to show their support and prayers for McKenzie Custer ’17 and her brother Ryan Custer (Elder ’16). Ryan Custer was injured in April in Oxford Ohio. He’s a freshman at Wright State University.
Scenes from R U Called, Dinner for Women discerning the Consecrated Life

St. Francis de Sales in Lebanon hosted a gathering for young women who are discerning a call to the consecrated life on April 26th. Archbishop Dennis Schnurr was in attendance to meet young women discerning one of the varied Consecrated Life options present in the Archdiocese. Here are some photos …