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Mary Garden July Contest Winners

Congratulations to our Mary Garden photo contest winners for July. Lisa House took first prize with her photo of her statue of Our Lady crowned with lavender flowers next to purple clematis. Christine Noble of Anderson Township came in second with a photo of her Marian rose garden and rose …
Beating Traffic Delays in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

When you hear these words, Brent Spence Bridge, you immediately tense up. We’ve arrived at summer and the orange barrels have blossomed throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. They make ones live miserable. Seen on Interstate 75 Saturday: I-71 at Ohio River 85 minutes. (16 miles away). There’s a way to …
Digitization project to preserve decades of Catholic news

Committed to preserving Catholic news for both current researchers and future scholars, the Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA) has undertaken a project to digitize the United States’ top Catholic newspapers of regional and national importance, including The Catholic Telegraph. “Creating a Catholic news archive and digital aggregation for Catholic newspapers …
A Celebration to Share in Priesthood

On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at the Anniversary Dinner during the Priests Convocation, The Archdiocese of Cincinnati honored the Classes of 1957, 1967, 1977 and 1992. 60 Years – Class of 1957 Rev. Edward J. Shine Rev. John E. Wall In remembrance: Norbert L. Braun John L. Cavanaugh Paul W. …
New Priest Assignments Announced

Father Thomas Dorn appointed Pastor of Holy Redeemer, New Bremen, effective July 1 Father Jason Bedel appointed Pastor of St. Margaret of York, Twenty Mile Stand, effective July 1 Father Adam Puntel appointed Pastor of St. Mary Queen of Heaven, Peebles, and Holy Trinity, West Union, effective July 1 Father …
Catholic Charities Served Nearly 30,000 More People

CINCINNATI – June 28, 2017 – Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio Annual Report details how the agency served 120,000 people across 11 counties last year. This is almost a 31% increase from the prior year in people assisted by the agency. “We celebrated the Jubilee Year of Mercy by expanding our …
Youth Retreat ends the day with Adoration

At Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary on June 26th, teens from St. Gertrude, Guardian Angels, and Immaculate Heart of Mary Parishes began a five-day retreat. After an afternoon of many outdoor activities, they returned to the parish center for the afternoon talk on The Blessed Mother. Each part of the day …
Archbishop Schnurr Celebrates Mass for Teens

By Gail Finke Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr told youth groups from three area parishes that God had a plan for their lives at Mass Monday in the chapel of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West. Gathered at the Mt. Washington seminary and school to begin a five-day retreat, the …
The Catholic Telegraph wins 2 Catholic Press Association Awards

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is home to four Catholic Press Association affiliated news outlets, and all four were honored at the 2017 Catholic Press Association Awards Banquet June 23 in Quebec, Canada. St. Anthony Messenger magazine led the way among local outlets with 11 awards, including second place for Magazine …
Priests Convocation Mass

On Wednesday, June 21, 2017, at the Archdiocesan Priests Convocation in Columbus, celebrated Mass at St. Brigid of Kildare. The four day convocation focused on the sacraments of the church. For the story, go to page 8 on The July Edition of The Catholic Telegraph to be in homes beginning …