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Kolping Festival and Shooting Competition Returns

German Catholics gathered with non-Catholic Germans and Cincinnatians of all kinds for the annual Kolping Society of Cincinnati’s Schutzenfest, billed as the oldest German festival in the nation. A revival of a medieval German “marksman contest,” the festival held at the organization’s Mt. Healthy clubhouse and park culminates in a …
Before Two-a-days: Football in Prayer

SportsLeader, a character-building program for Catholic athletes in high school and elementary school, held Its annual Rosary Rally for football programs in the southern part of the archdiocese on the grounds of Cincinnati’s seminary this week. Eight local teams and a team who traveled four hours from Illinois gathered in …
Setting the Stage

On July 20th, the Office for Young Adult Evangelization and Discipleship launched their first in a series of concerts. Chris Cole, a singer song-writer and recording artist based in Baton Rouge, took the crowd on a journey of human experience through song and reflection. The concert was held in Synod …
Mission Trip to India

On July 16, 2017, three Archdiocese of Cincinnati employees embarked on a mission trip to India. Mike Gable Director of the Mission Office, Tony Stieritz Director of Social Action, and Sister Eileen Connelly Managing Editor of The Catholic Telegraph flew to Chennai India. Chennai the capital of the Indian state …
Photo Contest: Show us your Mary Garden

Catholic Telegraph Mary Garden Photo Contest Who can enter? Any readers of “The Catholic Telegraph,” from anywhere in the country. What are we looking for? Photos of your garden featuring a statue of Mary or other Catholic statues, plantings, or elements. Enter as many photos as you like, as often …
New fund to grant $2 million+ in tuition aid this fall

The historic One Faith, One Hope, One Love capital campaign conducted in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati by the Catholic Community Foundation will disburse its first tuition grants this fall. Spokesmen for the archdiocese say the student aid program funded by the campaign will allocate more than $2 million for tuition …
Record crowd expected at Fatima Celebration, Mass, candlelight rosary procession set for centennial

One of six statues blessed by Pope Francis in recognition of the centennial of miracles at Fatima, Portugal, will be displayed at the annual Fatima celebration at the Spiritual Center of Maria Stein in Mercer County Aug. 11. The six statutes will be touring six countries this year and the …
Sister Dorothy Stang House dedicated in Hamilton

Members of St. Julie Billiart Parish in Hamilton and representatives from the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur gathered May 27 for the dedication and blessing of the Dorothy Stang House. Sister Dorothy, known for her outspoken efforts on behalf of the poor and the environment, was murdered in Brazil …
Old St. Mary’s Church, Over-the-Rhine, celebrates 175th Anniversary

There was a different kind of fireworks on the eve of the Fourth of July in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. A large gathering of the faithful at Old St. Mary’s Church in Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati, celebrated the parish’s 175th Anniversary. Just as bells pealed in Philadelphia to announce independence for the …
A picture says a thousand words: Summer School

Though we’re just about the halfway mark for our Archdiocese of Cincinnati Students summer break, they’ve been busy this summer.