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Groups began their night in prayer before takin it to the streets. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
From June 14, 2017 through June 18, 2017, the Abide Conference was held at Mount Saint Joseph University. Abide’s pinnacle experience presents a unique opportunity: to go into the world as a missionary disciple. On Friday June 16, 2018 the conference participants went to downtown Cincinnati, St. Xavier Church, and …

The CT Crew was out and about over the June 9th – 11th weekend checking out the festivals on Big Ten Festival Weekend. The 4th stop was St. Helen’s Festival in Riverside, Southeast of Dayton.

Discussing the From and the For: Love one another. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
June 16, 2017 – Abide is unique! A typical teen conference lasts three days (at most). Abide is five days. Teens are not only taught about who Jesus is, they live a daily personal encounter with Him. This is accomplished through daily mass, frequent opportunities for confession, adoration, worship and …

Totus Tuus group at St. Margaret-St. John (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
For the first time, week-long Totus Tuus summer camps are being held at Archdiocese of Cincinnati parishes this summer. Popular around the country, the camps are led by seminarians and college student missionaries. Last night, The CT Crew stopped by St. Margaret-St. John as the 7th to 12th graders were …

Let's get this thing going (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
The CT Crew were out and about at 6 out of 10 festivals last weekend. The third stop was St. Christopher’s Festival north of Dayton.  

Let's get this to spin fast! (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
The CT Crew were out and about at 6 out of 10 festivals last weekend. The second stop was AngelsFest at Guardian Angels on Cincinnati’s Eastside.

Father Daughter time on the Elephant Ride. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
The weekend of June 9th – 11th saw 10 Festivals in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The CT Crew hit 6 of them. Our first stop was St. Gertrude Madeira.

Parish teams and Catholic leaders from across the country, including the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, gathered in Atlanta March 13 to 15 to learn how parishes can become healthier. Nearly 1,100 people attended the conference offered by the Denver-based organization, Amazing Parish, and featuring Mass and prayer, team sessions, presentations and …

Archbishop Alter High School, Kettering 161 Graduates Continuing education after graduation: 99% Total Scholarship amount offered class*: $17,259,000 Stephen T. Badin High School, Hamilton 133 Graduates Continuing education after graduation: 99% Total Scholarship amount offered class*: $18,000,000 Carroll High School, Dayton 175 Graduates Continuing education after graduation: 97% Total Scholarship …

More than $2 million in Catholic school tuition assistance has been allocated for the coming academic year, funded by benefactors of the historic One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign conducted in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati by the Catholic Community Foundation. In all, 2,174 offers were extended for elementary and …