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Cherished tradition celebrated at chapel where many wed For more than 15 years, University of Dayton alumni who said “I do,” many of them in the school’s historic Immaculate Conception Chapel, have come back to UD to say it again. The annual Blessing and Renewal of Marriage Vows takes place …

LaSalle High School was featured on the pre-game show for Thursday Night Football on NBC. For Friday Night Lights in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati click here.

Two Masses for couples marking 50 years of marriage were celebrated Aug. 12. Bishop Joseph R. presided at the annual Golden Jubilee liturgy at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, with Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr serving as celebrant at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Dayton. Married …

Chris Winiarski, Director of Campus Ministry, Mission and Formation for La Salle High School, was one of 48 pilgrims on a summer trip to the Holy Land coordinated by School of Faith. A ministry that connects teachers and principals from Catholic schools with the literal roots of the faith, School …

  Was your life impacted by your parents’ divorce? We want to hear from you for the October issue. We will not publish any names or identifying information, but you do need to identify yourself in your email so we know you’re real. Send your answer to one or both …

Rachel Statue Gate of Heaven Cemetery (D Tinsman Photo)
By Gail Finke Saturday is the 5th annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Sponsored nationally by Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Priests for Life, and the Pro-Life Action League, the day was established so that prayer services would be said at the graves of aborted children, and at …

With the anniversary mass complete, Old St. Mary's continues as shining light in Over-the-Rhine. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Old St. Mary’s keeps it’s German roots while focusing on the future If any edifice in Cincinnati bears testament to the work ethic and craftsmanship of the city’s German immigrants, it is Old St. Mary’s, an Over-the-Rhine (OTR) landmark dating to 1841. It rose under the backbreaking work of German …

Deglazing a rich tomato sauce with vodka and burning off the alcohol, Father Leo Patalinghug told the crowd when Jesus sent the apostles to evangelize the world, he told them to eat whatever they were offered wherever they stayed. “Christians can eat and drink whatever they like,” he said, “in moderation.” (CT Photo/Steve Trosley)
Father Leo Patalinghug invoked Scripture while performing a cooking demonstration for hundreds of fans at the Mercer County Fair in Celina Aug. 13. Among his many observations while cooking, Father Leo told the group that parents can teach children about religion during a family meal because, “It’s hard to interrupt …

(l to r) Cincinnati State Provost Robbin Hoopes, JD; Cincinnati State President Dr. Monica J. Posey; Mount St. Joseph University President Dr. H. James Williams; Mount St. Joseph University Provost Dr. Diana Davis. (Courtesy Photo)
Earning a bachelor’s degree from a private four-year university in Cincinnati will now be possible for many more local students thanks to a new Articulation Agreement between Cincinnati State Technical and Community College and Mount St. Joseph University, announced today at a joint news conference at Cincinnati State. The new …

VOCARE, the first project developed by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s new Catechetical Institute, is being launched with four area convocations for catechists this fall (for our coverage, see the September print issue). Replacing the previous system of certification classes for religion teachers, school principals, and anyone teaching catechesis for parishes, …