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Coldwater parish celebrates 150 years of faith
Shortly after the Civil War, things were booming around the Village of Coldwater, Ohio, in Mercer County, where mostly German immigrants were farming, felling timber and watching the Iron Horse come to connect them to Dayton and other large commercial hubs. in 1867, three Catholic Coldwater families approached Father Jacob …
Irish eyes were smiling – Mass at Dayton’s Celtic Festival
Father David Byrne, a priest of the Diocese of Niagara, Canada, celebrated Mass on Sunday morning July 30 for attendees of Dayton’s annual Celtic Festival, the largest free Celtic music festival in the country. Now held at Dayton’s RiverScape Metropark, the three-day festival presents Irish and Celtic music in a …
ArchCincy goes to the USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel
In early July, The Archdiocese of Cincinnati had a large number of leaders attend the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Catholic Convocation of Leaders. Our own Gail Finke was in Orlando for this historic event. Here’s the convocation in pictures: For more photos, see the photo gallery on our …
Joy of the Gospel in our Rural Communities
Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying “Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.” Every summer, Catholic Rural Life of the St. Marys and Sidney Deaneries hold the Rural-Urban Mass with Catholic Century Farm Recognitions. Usually the Mass …
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati in India Part II
On July 16, 2017, three Archdiocese of Cincinnati employees embarked on a mission trip to India. Mike Gable Director of the Mission Office, Tony Stieritz Director of Social Action, and Sister Eileen Connelly Managing Editor of The Catholic Telegraph flew to Chennai India. This is part II of their journey. …
Missionaries inspire, educate at Meet the Missionaries Night
Fr. Andrew Bwalya was a young man living in Zambia when he first met the Comboni Missionaries. He was inspired by the dedication and work of these missionaries. They rented a house in the village to live among the people they were serving. They learned the local language. They truly …
Kolping Festival and Shooting Competition Returns
German Catholics gathered with non-Catholic Germans and Cincinnatians of all kinds for the annual Kolping Society of Cincinnati’s Schutzenfest, billed as the oldest German festival in the nation. A revival of a medieval German “marksman contest,” the festival held at the organization’s Mt. Healthy clubhouse and park culminates in a …
Before Two-a-days: Football in Prayer
SportsLeader, a character-building program for Catholic athletes in high school and elementary school, held Its annual Rosary Rally for football programs in the southern part of the archdiocese on the grounds of Cincinnati’s seminary this week. Eight local teams and a team who traveled four hours from Illinois gathered in …
Setting the Stage
On July 20th, the Office for Young Adult Evangelization and Discipleship launched their first in a series of concerts. Chris Cole, a singer song-writer and recording artist based in Baton Rouge, took the crowd on a journey of human experience through song and reflection. The concert was held in Synod …
Mission Trip to India
On July 16, 2017, three Archdiocese of Cincinnati employees embarked on a mission trip to India. Mike Gable Director of the Mission Office, Tony Stieritz Director of Social Action, and Sister Eileen Connelly Managing Editor of The Catholic Telegraph flew to Chennai India. Chennai the capital of the Indian state …