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Statewide day of adoration set for November 8, 2017

A Statewide Day of Adoration for Vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life is set for Wednesday, November 8th. More than 30 local sites and parishes from across the state are joining in to pray for vocations all day. This will be a great opportunity to not only pray for vocations to …
Jeanne Hunt for November: Our personal communion of saints

Catholics spend two days in prayer for the souls of those who have died in early November. All Souls Day and All Saints Day become the focus of our prayers as we grieve a little and remember a little the lives of those who have gone before us. When I …
Arrange a visit from St. Nicholas

Family’s holiday tradition sets spiritual tone for Advent By Eileen Connelly, OSU (from our print edition) “Never again, in all my life, have I experienced the unspeakable thrill of a physical nearness to heaven as I did on those evenings of my childhood when St. Nicholas came to us.” — …
Visiting bishop celebrates Pontifical Solemn Mass at Dayton’s Holy Family

Chicago Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Perry visited Dayton’s Holy Family Parish Oct. 7 for a confirmation in the Tridentine Latin rite and a Pontifical Solemn High Mass, an elaborate type of Mass that can be celebrated only by a bishop. Holy Family doesn’t know of any such Masses taking place in the …
Sisters of Mercy Announce New President Principal of Mercy McAuley High School

After a national search, the Sisters of Mercy announce the appointment of the new president and the new principal of Mercy McAuley High School, who will work in tandem to continue the sisters’ rich heritage of providing young women in Cincinnati with a Catholic Mercy education. These leaders will guide …
A picture says a thousand words: standing-room only crowd at St. Gertrude

(from our print edition) After the first in a four-part series on the Catholic Church and the Reformation at St. Gertrude Church in Madeira, the parish had to find a bigger room. So many came to hear Dominican Father Gabriel Toretta (above) talk about the differences between the Catholic and …
A Catholic Journey to India: Lives of faith, part 2

The people and saints of Karala Editor’s Note: In July, a small contingent from the archdiocese traveled to southern India to listen and learn about the lives and faith of our brothers and sisters a world away. In the second of a three-part series of articles, Sister Eileen Connelly, CT …
Archbishop Schnurr: World Day of the Poor highlights need for Catholic Campaign for Human Development

My Dear Friends in Christ, On November 19, the Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, Pope Francis is instituting a new tradition for our Church: a World Day of the Poor. In his inaugural message for this occasion, the Holy Father announced, “This new World Day should become a powerful appeal …
Father Dave Endres for November: Can a soul in hell enter heaven?

Q: The Catechism defines hell as “eternal separation from God” (1035). However, it says that at the last judgment “before [Jesus] will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another. . . And [some] will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” …