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For some, the thought of going to Ireland sounds like a dream vacation, but for Royalmont Academy students, their recent trip there had a much deeper purpose, a pilgrimage. Josh Ater, Head of School at Royalmont Academy, expressed the importance of taking a pilgrimage, “Too often, we forget the universality …

On Sept. 9, 1984, 10 Black Bishops came together and published a pastoral letter as a testament to the Black community. This pastoral letter was titled What We Have Seen and Heard, and in it the bishops convey that evangelization involves both a call and a response; it is not …

Is it true that the Church destroyed other gospels besides the four Gospels? In the early Christian world, there were many writings about Jesus and the apostles—not just the four canonical Gospels and other writings that became part of the New Testament. Additional related writings from this time that the …

When they join the military, service members commit to unwaveringly serve and protect our country, and schools showing profound dedication to support those military members and their families are recognized as Purple Star Schools. This honor highlights the exceptional efforts of educational institutions who create inclusive and supportive environments for …

Cincinnati’s new Xavier Jesuit Academy (XJA) – the only Jesuit Catholic elementary school in the Cincinnati region – will open Wednesday, August 14, 2024 in Bond Hill. XJA will provide a faith-based, scholarship-funded education for young men, grades 3 – 8, with smaller class sizes and an extended day. “The …

by John Stegeman For incoming Chaminade Julienne senior Frank Riley, his first teachers of the Catholic faith were his parents, Angela and Joseph, who helped him and his older brother, Will, grow into young men with a strong devotion to the Church. For as long as he can remember, his …

One very excited group of Catholic educators from the archdiocese pilgrimaged to the heart of Italy in June. There, they learned more about our Catholic faith, grew in community with their colleagues and took a little time to simply enjoy “la dolce vita”—the good life. “This experience was, without a …

By Patricia McGeever Eight years after experiencing what was likely the worst day of his life, Bob Considine is working to help people who suffer with mental health issues. His youngest son, Ryan, battled depression and anxiety and died by suicide in 2016 at age 25. “You live with that …

The idea of joy in suffering is a pretty tough pill to swallow. It’s one I’ve wrestled with for years because, although it’s hard to perceive light in the dense fog of trials, Jesus and the saints say it is possible. I’m challenged to search beyond formidable sadness, grief, confusion—everything …

August begins the annual ritual of children dragging their parents to the shopping mall for new clothes, backpacks and sneakers, in preparation for their return to classrooms, playgrounds and athletics fields. The nervous anticipation of going “back to school” is as common to the American experience of growing up as …