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Locals attend the Beatification of Bl. Solanus Casey
Among the area people who traveled to Detroit last month for the beatification of Franciscan friar Solanus Casey were a 10-year-old boy, three seminarians, a priest, and a Dayton family whose daughter (now a religious sister) once lived in an Indiana Catholic center that was once home to the Capuchin …
Jeanne Hunt: Holy night – or hectic night?
Tis the season to be merry. Or is it? Too often, we dread the holidays because of all the hassle involved in making merry. Not the least of which is getting gifts for family and friends. Thanksgiving is so simple: great food, great company and not a worry in the …
Stuff Luke Carey Found for December: Encounter in the Ordinary
Two different people shared the same article with me last month. My charismatic roots tempt me to take that it as a sign it should be this month’s topic, so here goes. The article came from the Catholic website Aleteia, and is titled, “Hey, pastors, want to bring us Millennials …
Parishioners watch Father Kyle Schnippel debut on tv cooking competition
More than 100 people gathered at St. John Neumann Church in Pleasant Run Farms to watch their pastor, Father Kyle Schnippel, compete in “The Great American Cooking Show” Thursday. Spoiler alert: He isn’t going to win. At the end of the second episode (two are aired each Thursday for three …
A picture says a thousand words: Joy at the University of Dayton
As a beautiful sunset occurred at the University of Dayton, the great spirit of Joy could be found on campus for the annual “Christmas at UD.”
Seminarians Help Host Behold Event
Over 200 young adults from the greater Cincinnati area gathered for adoration, confession, praise, and worship on November 17 at St. Mary’s Church in Hyde Park. The Behold event was hosted by the Mount St. Mary’s seminarians and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Office of Young Adult Evangelization and Discipleship. Reflection …
Today’s Video: What is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Here’s a brief overview of why we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
UPDATE: Dominica, profiled in the “Telegraph,” an island in need
Editor’s note: Our October issue featured an article highlighting the twinning relationship between three parishes in the archdiocese with parishes in Dominica. Shortly after we went to press, the island was ravaged by the most powerful hurricane in its history. Its twinning partners are committed to aiding in Dominica’s recovery …
Victory dance: Tight-knit OLV community celebrates 175 years of faith and growth
By Patricia McGeever In 1842, a German farmer named Adam Emge donated land and logs to build a new parish church on Rapid Run Road in Delhi. From its humble beginnings as a log cabin to a parish campus that has several buildings, seven ballfields, and a cemetery on more …
Father Schnippel on tv tomorrow – gets his own beer today
Cincinnati’s Listermann Brewing Co. released a beer today based on a recipe by local parish priest, and former archdiocesan Vocations Director, Father Kyle Schnippel. “Father Kyle’s Cinnamon Roll Stout” joined a long line of beers based on local notables, from FC Cincinnati’s goalkeeper Mitch Hildebrand to the Cincinnati Zoo’s Fiona …