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A picture says a thousand words: Seton Elder Performing Arts Series

The reviews are in and another hit weekend for the Seton Elder Performing Arts Series Music of the Christmas Season. Outstanding performances were given by the Elder Concert Band, Elder Vocal Ensemble, National Champion Seton Highlighters Dance Team, Seton-Elder Show Choir, ACA Saints, Seton Concert Choir, Elder Stage Band, Seton …
Today’s Video: St. Vincent De Paul transformed into the North Pole

The annual Angel Toy event means more than 630 children will find presents under the tree when they wake up this Christmas CINCINNATI, OH – December 12, 2018 – St. Vincent de Paul’s Liz Carter Outreach Center transformed itself into the North Pole on Saturday, December 15, 2018. Parents from …
Photo Essay: A great light in the darkness

Each year, Old Saint Mary’s Parish on the Saturday before the Third Sunday of Advent, the faithful set their alarms early so they can attend the Rorate Mass. The Rorate Mass is lit only by candlelight. Because it is a votive Mass in Mary’s honor, white vestments are worn instead …
Photo Essay: A replica of the Pieta at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral

Archbishop Dennis Schnurr unveiled the replica of the Pieta at a special Mass Dec. 8 in St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, downtown Cincinnati. You can see the full-sized replica of Michelangelo’s Pieta right now as the statue is available for viewing. This statue is a marble casting made from a …
Christ the King Church Dedicates Cross and Crown Atrium

On Sunday, November 25 the Christ the King Parish community gathered together for a momentous occasion: the blessing and dedication of The Cross and Crown Atrium on the Solemnity of Christ the King. The Most Reverend Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, Archbishop of Cincinnati, presided at the 5:00 pm Mass and …
Today’s Video: Taking it one step at a time

In today’s video, Bro. Casey discusses taking it one step at a time. Today is the Second of Sunday of Advent and we’re getting closer to Christmas, and times seems to rush by. In today’s world, we’re used to going online to purchase just about anything we want and receive …
Today’s Video: The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception explained

Did you know that Mary actually did know her child would save the world? In fact, she was saved around forty-seven years before Jesus died. Fr. Mike Schmitz simplifies the complex theology behind the Immaculate Conception in this video.
A picture says a thousand words: Maria Stein Shrine St. Nicholas Coloring Contest

Maria Stein Shrine announced that they received nearly 400 entries in their coloring contest! Last year they received 161. The winners are listed below. They gave out two prizes per age due to the overwhelming response received (a children’s nativity set). Every coloring page we received is currently on display …
A question of faith: When was the birth of Christ? We cannot be sure

Q: Was Christ born on Dec. 25 in the year A.D. 1? A: We cannot be sure of the day and month, nor the year, of Jesus’ birth. Many scholars date the Nativity to several years before the traditional first year of the Lord (Anno Domini or A.D. 1) This …
Today’s Video: What are you going to do to prepare for Advent.

In Today’s Video: Bro. Casey gives a glimpse on how to prepare for Advent and to make this the best Advent ever! For the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Advent Calendar to help you enjoy the season of Advent, click here