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A Picture says a thousand words: Seton Dance Team Medals at Nationals

The Seton’s Varsity and JV Dance Teams double medaled at the 2019 UDA National Championship in Orlando, Florida – Varsity placed 2nd in Small Pom and 2nd in Small Hip Hop, and JV placed FIRST in the JV division for Small Pom and 3rd for Small Hip Hop!
Greater Cincinnati Women’s Conference: March 9, 2019

The Greater Cincinnati Women’s Conference will be held Saturday, March 9, 2019 at the Sharonville Convention Center. This years’s speakers are Fr. Benedict O’Cinnsealaigh Katherine Meeks Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle Sister M. Bernadette Morse, FSGM Gayle Bischel Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr -celebrant When: Saturday, March 9, 2019 Where: Sharonville Convention Center, …
Catholic Schools Open House Schedule 2019

*Click on school for school website St. Ursula Villa 3660 Vineyard Pl, Cincinnati 45226 (513) 871-7218 For more information about a tour, click here Annunciation School Kindergarten Round-up 3545 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati 45220 (513) 221-1230 Friday, February 8, 2019 Map Royalmont Academy 200 Northcrest Dr., Mason 45040 (513) 754-0555 Sunday, …
Seek: The Christian joy is palpable, attendee says

INDIANAPOLIS (CNS) — Priests who serve as college chaplains or campus ministers do not have an easy load to tote. These days, that role is likely just one of their many duties. But the event left many, including representatives from Cincinnati, with the feeling that something very positive was happening. …
Today’s Video: Celebrating February 2nd Candlemas

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas day, since the blessing and procession of candles is included in today’s liturgy. Did you know that on this feast day, there …
Throwback Thursday: Brent Celek and Garrett Celek return to their Alma Mater.

In March 2018, Brent and Garrett Celek returned to their Alma Mater, La Salle High School in Cincinnati. Brett fresh off winning the Super Bowl with the Eagles, and Garrett off a fine season with the San Francisco 49’ers. Check out the video:
Nativity starts its second century with $1.2 million in upgrades

Nativity of Our Lord is marking the start of its second century with the completion of long-planned improvements to its church and school buildings. The 101-year-old parish, located in Pleasant Ridge, launched $1.2 million worth of projects in May, and completed them in September. “The projects that we have completed …
A look at the Catholic Schools Week Mass at the Cathedral

Bishop Joseph Binzer celebrated the Catholic Schools Week Mass at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral on January 29, 2019.
School of Faith teaches teachers faith formation

Educators in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are learning to teach what they believe. Since its inception four years ago, 17 Catholic elementary schools, including three high schools, have embraced School of Faith, a program aimed at providing personal faith development to teachers and staff. “You can’t give …
Today’s Video Catholic Schools Week Special Edition: Meet the Berent Family

The Berent Family chose Catholic Schools for their family and in today’s video, we see the value of a Catholic Education.