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Rite of Election gathers faithful preparing to join Church

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrated the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion in Cincinnati and Dayton on March 10 with those who will be welcomed into the Catholic faith at Easter. Father Jan Schmidt presided at the celebrations at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, with Bishop …
Opening Day: The Archdiocese of Cincinnati in the Findlay Market Parade

The Cincinnati Reds were the 1st Major League Baseball team in 1869. Celebrating 150 years, the Archdiocesan Central Offices, Mascots from our Catholic High Schools, and the Drum Line from Purcell Marian High School marched in the 100th Findlay Market Opening Day Parade. In 1869, Archbishop John Baptist Purcell led …
The Rosary and Theology of the Body: Exploring More Deeply the Mystery of Man

Written by Debbie Staresinic Many who are familiar with Theology of the Body (TOB) know that St. John Paul II identified the problem with the modern world as a fundamental lack of understanding of the meaning and purpose of the human person. Said differently, if we don’t know who we …
Tip of the Cap Tuesday

On March 16, the Mount Notre Dame Cougars defeated the Pickerington Central Tigers 52-31 to capture their 7th Division I Girls Basketball State Championship. Meanwhile, the Moeller Crusaders won their 49th straight game (dating back a few years) to be crowned Division I Boys Basketball State Champions on March 23. …
First Holy Communion, The Rosary & Theology of the Body

May is an exciting time for Catholics. Many children will continue their lifelong journey with Jesus as they receive Him in the Eucharist for the first time. May is also recognized by the Church as Mary’s month. It seems fitting for children to receive their First Holy Communion during a …
Today’s Video: What NOT to Do During a Breakup

In Today’s Video Fr. Mike Schmitz looks at what not to do during a breakup. We often think “How could I’ve gotton God’s Will so wrong? Check out this video:
A Brief Examination of Conscience Based on the Ten Commandments

I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me. Have I treated people, events, or things as more important than God? You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Have my words, actively or passively, put down God, the Church, …
Purcell Marian Students go to Ecuador for Spring Break

The term “Spring Break” takes us to beaches, a week of fun, or simply a week to chill. This year, students from Purcell Marian High School in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati went out of their comfort zone and traveled to Ecuador to help the community there in some difficult task …
Catholic Thoughts: Sins of omission: For what I have failed to do

Do you ever mentally skip over the statement: “.. for what I have done and for what I have failed to do” in the Confiteor? We figure that reconciliation is all about those time we did something wrong like lying, cheating, losing our temper etc. What is missing is the …
A Question of Faith: Priesthood reserved to men for historical and theological reasons

Q: If priesthood was historically limited to men, what was the reason? Does this reason still prevent women from becoming priests? A: The reservation of the ordained priesthood to men has been the constant practice of the Catholic Church (and the Eastern Orthodox) but many, especially in the last 50 …