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Today’s Video: Fitting in at Church

In Today’s Video, Perhaps you’ve felt the temptation to be a cookie-cutter Catholic, one who does all the Catholic things that other Catholics are doing because they think … well … that’s what makes us Catholic. But comparison is kind of like the cousin of envy, Fr. Mike says. If we …
A Question of Faith: Has revelation ended or does God continue to reveal Himself to us?

Answer: If God’s revelation to humanity ended with the death of St. John, the last apostle, how was other information (which is not necessarily in the Bible) revealed to Church fathers and teachers? Does this kind of revelation continue today? In God’s divine plan, he slowly revealed himself to humanity, …
Today’s Video: Looking for a new start

On this Ascension of the Lord weekend, we recall in Acts 1: When he had said this, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him from their sight. While they were looking intently at the sky as he was going, suddenly two men dressed …
Throwback Thursday: Remembering Mother of Mercy High School

Mother of Mercy High School celebrated and said good-bye on June 2, 2018 with Mass, school tours, live music on the lawn, great food and of course fellowship and friendship, some of those decades old. Here’s a video of walking through the school, and saying good-bye one last time.
Thousands gather to celebrate the joy of human life

Thousands of people from both sides of the Ohio River will come together for a family festival and a walk across the Purple People Bridge to celebrate the beautiful gift of human life, at all its stages, regardless of age, ability or disability. The 14th annual Cross the Bridge for …
Photo Essay and Video: Official photos and video of the 2019 Priest Ordination

Official Video of the Priest Ordination Official Photos of the Priest Ordination
Memorial Day Field Mass Schedule in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Gate of Heaven Cemetery Field Mass 11000 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati OH 45249 (513) 489-0300. Mass will be celebrated on Monday, May 27 beginning at 11:00 a.m.. Celebrant, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. Please bring lawn chairs. In case of rain, the Mass will be celebrated at Good Shepherd Church, same day …
Today’s Video: Making a Difference, St. Xavier Church celebrates 200 years.

Today’s video looks back at Sunday, May 19 as St. Francis Xavier Church celebrated their 200th Anniversary as a Catholic Community. This is a reprint from Father Patrick Fairbanks, S. J. A JUBILEE is a time to Recall, to Remember and to Relive God’s grace and blessings in one’s life …
Today’s Video: A quick look at Ordination 2019 in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati joyfully celebrated the largest class of priests being ordained in 40 years. They are, Father Alex Biryomumeisho, Father Mark Bredestege, Father Zach Cecil, Father Christian Cone-Lombarte, Father Ambrose Dobrozsi, Father Andrew Hess, Father Elias Mwesigye, Father Jeff Stegbauer and Father Jedidiah Tritle. Check back later this …