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Why do Catholics wave palms on Palm Sunday, wash each other’s feet on Holy Thursday, or kiss the cross on Good Friday? Check out Busted Halo’s Holy Week in 3 minutes at

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Lehman Catholic Science Olympiad Team members who participated in the Regional Science Olympiad. Back Row: Casey Topp, Mary Deafenbaugh, Joshua George, Rebecca Sanogo, Ann Deafenbaugh, Nicholas Largent and Aaron Topp. Front Row: Lexy Casillas, Joe Ritze, Max Schmiesing, Angela Brunner and Emily Bornhorst. Not Pictured: Elias Bezy, Jacquie Schemmel and Michael O'Leary.
Sidney, Ohio: The Lehman Catholic Science Olympiad Team competed in the Regional Science Olympiad held Saturday, March 16, at Piqua High School for students from Shelby, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Champaign counties. Lehman Catholic placed 6th out of 20 competing teams, 5th out of the competing schools and walked away …

As we are in the final week of Lent, we look at Fr. Mike’s video: A well formed conscience. Jiminy Cricket said “Always let your conscience be your guide,” but how do I know if I have a good conscience? A good conscience more often is concerned with our responsibilities …

On Thursday, April 4, St. Peter Church, in Dayton Region XII, celebrated Fatima Holy Hour for Peace on the 100th anniversary of the death of St. Francisco of Fatima, the youngest of the children who witnessed the Virgin Mary, with the praying of the Rosary with St. Peter School children; …

So often we measure the worth of our day based on how busy we were. As disciples of Christ, it’s not about being busy, it’s about being busy with the mission.

Throughout Lent, many will participate in the Stations of the Cross throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The stations grew out of pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem and walking the Via Dolorosa to Calvary. In Today’s Throwback Thursday, last spring La Salle High School football players continued that tradition in a very …

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Pope Francis has named Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of Atlanta as the new archbishop of Washington. The appointment was announced April 4 in Washington by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Vatican nuncio to the United States. Archbishop Gregory, 71, a former president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic …

In the 1950’s every spring the altar servers of our parish would get an “afternoon off” from school to go watch a Reds baseball game. It was a big deal! Sun or snow, the 6:00 AM weekday or 10:00AM Saturday funeral mass, altar servers could be counted on for their …

The staff at The Cathedral worked many hours to decorate the altar. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Quick, grab your phone, open your calendar app, and mark this date: April 20, 2019. That’s the date for the liturgy of all liturgies, the greatest and most noble of all solemnities: The Easter Vigil. I love the Easter Vigil. There’s really no better way to seize the Easter season …