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“One Faith, One Hope, One Love” Fills Corpus Christi With Vitality, Beauty

By Michelle Dushensky When “One Faith, One Hope, One Love” kicked off at Corpus Christi Church in the fall of 2015, the parish was tasked with raising $800,000 to support the historic archdiocesan campaign. Thanks to the incredible generosity of its parishioners, Corpus Christi has received pledges above and beyond …
Dedication of the Athenaeum’s New Fenwick Hall a Response to Growing Number of Vocations

By Rebecca Sontag The Lord in his teachings says, ‘Beg the harvest master. The harvest is great but the laborers are few.’ The people of this archdiocese have been begging the harvest master for approximately the last 10 years, and the Lord answers our prayers.”– Archbishop Dennis Schnurr For the …
Photo Gallery: Little Saints at St. Cecila

On October 27, 2019, at St. Cecilia parish in Oakley had their wonderful little saints parade into church. Photos by Marta Misleh.
Today’s Video: Does God Want Me to Be Spontaneous?

God may want you to be spontaneous, but he also wants you to be disciplined. How does that work? Well, unless you just want to have no control over you impulses like a dog chasing a squirrel, discipline is a necessary prerequisite to being spontaneous. Check out Father Mike’s thoughts:
The great experience with The School of Faith in the Holy Land

The Holy Land, often referred to as the fifth Gospel, offers the Catholic pilgrim an unparalleled spiritual opportunity. Spend five nights in Jerusalem visiting Bethlehem, the Baptismal site at the Jordan River, the Judean hills of the Visitation, and trace Jesus’ steps through all the events of the Holy Week. …
A look back at the 5th Annual Eucharistic Procession

Now is the time to call all Catholic men to be involved in the New Evangelization by being public witnesses to our Catholic faith. On cool, clear October Saturday morning, hundreds of Men and Seminarians began their weekend at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains for Mass at 8:00 …
Today’s Video: When a Funeral Mass doesn’t quite go as planned.

Sometimes, things go horribly wrong at church. Father Casey tells of his worst experience celebrating a funeral mass and what he learned from it.
Volleyball, Life and God at Seton High School

Story & photo by M.D. Pitman Before every volleyball home game, Seton’s team goes to the school’s chapel to pray. They don’t pray for a win. They pray to become closer as teammates and to God and to be better versions of themselves. “That’s where we hold a lot of …
Seniors Tackle Social Justice at Chaminade Julienne

By Susie Bergman Small groups are making a big difference at Chaminade Julienne High School (CJHS) in Dayton. The Catholic high school, founded on the Marianists and Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur orders, has cultivated an atmosphere of faith in action (with a hint of good-natured competitiveness) through the …
Finding Common Ground: Twinning Parishes Break Down Distance and Cultural Barriers

By Susie Bergman Imagine boarding a plane to leave the comfort and security of your homeland to begin a mission solely focused on relationship-building with people you’ve never met. It’s a mission that will take you to places you have never experienced before, with an unfamiliar culture and a significant …