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Coming to America!

Immigration refers to people entering a country to become permanent residents, and emigration refers to people leaving their current country to become permanent residents in another. Genealogists benefit because ship passenger lists usually record these movements, and naturalization, the legal process by which an immigrant becomes a country’s citizen, also …
Prayer on Election Day

Gracious and loving God, let your Spirit be with me today. Hear my prayers, and increase in me the will to follow your Son Jesus. Help me to draw on the resources of my faith as I use the opportunities of our democracy to shape a society more respectful of …
Voting with our Faith

In our current political climate, it is nearly impossible to avoid the vitriol and negativity that constantly bombard us. It’s also extremely difficult (if not impossible) to identify candidates who fully adhere to our values: Gospel values that respect all life and care, especially for the forgotten and marginalized. It …
Giving Back is More Than “Just” an Act of Charity, It’s a Reflection of Our Faith in Action

Giving back is more than “just” an act of charity—it’s a reflection of our faith in action. Catholics support parishes, schools and ministries not only to sustain vital missions but also to strengthen the spiritual foundation for future generations. Multiple avenues offer financial contributions, including the Catholic Community Foundation, several …
St. Joseph Gardens

Saints throughout the ages are known to have contemplated the mysteries of the faith while spending time in God’s creation. Two recent additions to St. Joseph Gardens, north of St. Joseph Catholic Church in North Bend, enhance this special place for such spiritual reflection. Effectively a private park, the seven-acre …
I Will Serve

“Behind each priest, there is a demon fighting for his fall. If we have the language to criticize them, we must have twice as much to pray for them.” – St. Teresa of Avila I was the new kid in fifth grade. My family had just moved to a small …
A Heart for Every Stranger

Father Ruffino Ezama, MCCJ, has a way of turning every stranger into a friend. It’s a gift that has made him a beloved figure among the clergy and staff of the Comboni Missionaries in Anderson Township—and far beyond. Born and raised in Arua, Uganda, Father Ruffino’s early life was marked …
What We Have Seen and Heard

Anniversaries hold special significance in our lives, offering us a moment to pause, reflect and recognize our journeys. They invite us to look back at our history, celebrate the milestones and acknowledge the challenges that shaped our path. As we recognize this year the 40th anniversary of the pastoral letter, …
‘Novena to the Mother of God for the Nation’ to begin Oct. 27 as election draws near

By Joseph Pronechen National Catholic Register, Oct 21, 2024 / 14:20 pm Beginning on Sunday, Oct. 27, the Eternal World Television Network (EWTN) will launch a nine-day novena in anticipation of the U.S. election on Nov. 5. Catholics and all people of goodwill are invited to join in the “Novena to …
Comparing the Bible and Quran

What is the difference between the moral teachings of the Christian Bible and the Quran? In recent years, especially as the number of Muslims has increased in the U.S., there have been more discussions about the differences between Islam and Christianity, including their sacred writings. Both the Bible and Quran …