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Let the Children Come to Me: Dayton Area Shelter Children Paired With Prayer Partners in Catholic Schools

by Mark Danis Jalen* opened one eye to see his younger sister sleeping on the cot next to him. He, his mother and his little sister came to live at the St. Vincent de Paul shelter after his mother’s new boyfriend began treating them badly. Jalen turned and looked at …
Badin’s Alex DeLong honored with ‘That’s My Boy’ award

Add the “That’s My Boy” award to the list of honors garnered by Badin High School senior Alex DeLong this year. “I was very surprised – I didn’t expect it at all,” a smiling DeLong said. “I was listening to the list of accomplishments for all of the other nominees, …
Seize the Moment: Failure and Freedom on the Road to Easter

By the time you read this, I will be two months into Exodus 90. I’ll also be hungry – very, very hungry. In case you’re wondering, no, there are not 90 chapters in the Book of Exodus. Exodus 90 is a 90-day spiritual exercise for men, a kind of personal …
Today’s Video: Let GO this Lent

Jesus told the young rich man in the Gospel to sell all that he had and follow after him. He was unwilling to do so, and missed out on being a disciple. Check out Father Casey’s Let GO reflection.
40 Days for Life Wednesday, February 26 – Sunday, April 5

Help save lives in Greater Cincinnati! You can protect mothers and children by joining this worldwide mobilization! Through prayer and fasting, peaceful vigils and community outreach, 40 Days for Life has inspired 1,000,000 volunteers to help end the injustice of abortion in their local communities. With God’s help, over 12 …
Today’s Video: The Why’s of Lent

Here’s a great video for the family and a quick primer of why we celebrated Ash Wednesday a few days ago and why we celebrate this sacred season of Lent.
UD’s Virtual Learning Program Goes Global: Wealth of Online Courses Makes Catechesis Accessible Anywhere

by John LeComte Pope Saint John Paul II ‘s Apostolic Letter for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, Novo Millennio Ineunte, in which he called the Church to “put out into the deep” (Lk 5:4) was the inspiration for founding the University of Dayton’s Virtual Learning Community for Faith …
The February Catholic Spelunker by Dominick Albano

A Catholic movie everyone is loving. Thanks to The Two Popes, I get to enjoy two things I love that don’t normally go together: a good movie and my Catholic faith. You want credentials? The Two Popes is rich in credentials and accolades. • Winner for the Best Narrative Feature …
Trio of Elder Honors Program Seniors Earn National Merit Finalist Recognition

The National Merit Scholarship Program has determined that Elder High School seniors Sam Harmeyer, Evan Vollmer, and Jared Vornhagen have met all requirements to advance to Finalist standing in the 2020 Competition for National Merit Scholarships! Less than 1% of the 1.5 million juniors from across the country who took …