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Back to School: Whatever the Future Holds, There is a Plan

by Sharon Civitello Community Support What will going back to school look like? Will young students keep a mask on all day if required? Will they stay six feet apart? Holy Family School Principal Katie Puthoff and school nurse Jessica Grover agree it can work if expectations are clear and …
A Closer Look: You’re still breathing, It’s not too late

Because of well-publicized, persistent instances of racial discrimination, the summer of 2020 has seen a rise in race-consciousness across the political, ideological and religious spectrum. And it is correct to note that racism in American society is, in some sense, systemic. Despite authentic legal, political and social progress, racism can …
Shine On: How do you get started?

About one year ago – on August 5, 2019, to be exact – my five-year-old son jumped off a cliff. Yes, literally. But don’t worry, he’s fine. We were in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the cliff was about 25 feet, we were at a very popular spot where tourists …
One year later: We remember them all

by Sister Jeanette Buehler, C.PP.S. We remember their names: Megan Betts Monica Brickhouse Nicholas Cumer Derrick Fudge Thomas McNichols Lois Oglesby Saheed Saleh Logan Turner Beatrice Warren-Curtis Nearly a year ago, on Aug. 4, 2019, these nine people, as well as the perpetrator, Connor Betts, were killed in the mass …
Carson Kissell: Radiating God’s Divine Mercy Across the Globe

by Patricia McGeever A 3:00 every afternoon Carson Kissell, 13, picks up his rosary that was once used by St. Pope John Paul II, and leads hundreds of people in prayer for an end to the coronavirus. His fingers are fused from scar tissue caused by a rare genetic skin …
Nurturing YOUR FAITH Resources to Keep the Fire of Your Faith Burning at All Stages of Life

by Katie Sciba The Catholic Church offers belonging to everyone regardless of your status in life. Children, teens, singles, marrieds, parents and seniors can live a full Catholic life, both serving others and being spiritually fed by Jesus. Our faith is a fire in need of inspiration to stay lit …
Our Catholic School Family: Banding Together in Unprecedented Times

by Jessica Rinaudo I’ll never forget the day Governor DeWine announced that schools across the state of Ohio would be closing in response to the coronavirus pandemic. As a full-time working mother of four children in Catholic schools, my feelings were a mix of shock, anxiety and incredulity. How, I …
Shine On: Shining Light on Your Legacy

What will people remember about you after you die? The 2000 film Cast Away tells the story of FedEx employee Chuck Noland, who washes up on an uninhabited island after his plane crashes somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. After four years of isolation, he is rescued and finds himself on …
A Change of Plans, Versailles Wedding Derailed by Pandemic Doesn’t Shake Couple’s Faith

by Susie Bergman On Aug. 15, the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, they have planned what they jokingly call “round two.” When Dylan and Clair Hesson of Versailles began planning their May 2020 wedding in Oct. 2019, they knew they might encounter a few small challenges along the way, …
Catholic at Home: Ways to Pray as a Couple

Last month we covered why praying as a couple is essential to every Christian marriage. Husband and wife are each made in the image and likeness of God, and together form a new creation in Christ. The relationship is inherently lifegiving and imitates God in its own particular way. When …