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The 1973 short story, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, tells of a utopia complete with green fields, blue skies, shimmering buildings and happy people. But the city is built on a dark truth. In the bowels of the city, in the basement of a building, there exists a …

A long time ago, as a young person, I played with tarot cards and a Ouija board. These always seemed to me to be just entertainment, but now I understand the Church believes these can be dangerous. Why is this? In an increasingly secular society, we can easily fail to …

PDF version of click  Fratelli Tutti Shadows over the closed world (Ch. 1) are spreading everywhere, leaving injured people by the roadside, cast out and discarded. The shadows plunge humanity into confusion, loneliness, and desolation. When we come upon ​an injured stranger on the road (Ch. 2), we can assume …

by Jessica Rinaudo On Sunday, Sept. 27, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrated their 16th Annual Blue Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains in downtown Cincinnati. The Mass honors police, fire and public safety personnel. Father Steve Angi, Police Chaplain and Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, …

Father Casey: There are many people in the world that believe in “God.” And yet, there are more than a few definitions. As Christians, what do we mean when we say this?

by Dominick Albano The pious will tell you there is nothing more powerful than prayer, while the agitator will scoff and say, “You pray and I’ll actually go do something.” The meaning behind the jab is clear: To some, there is no power in prayer. For others, belief in the …

Growing up in Guatemala, I went to a Catholic School, celebrated our Catholic faith – Catholicism was all I knew. Guatemala, at the time, was probably 99 percent Catholic. Moving to the U.S. was a big change in every way. When I moved here, directly from Guatemala to Ohio, I …

Death creates a tension within us. We know that it is inevitable, yet we also have a strong desire to prolong our lives. Dr. Ernest Becker, father of Terror Management Theory, says that we develop various phobias in order to cope with this tension. If you’re afraid of heights, it’s …

Twentieth Century theologian John Courtney Murray, S.J., remains the most important interpreter of the American Catholic experience of citizenship and religious liberty. Featured on the cover of Time magazine in 1960, Father Murray was a chief architect of Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious Liberty. In his seminal book, We Hold …

by Regan Meyer When Ana entered kindergarten after her family came to the U.S. from Guatemala, she consistently tested at a lower academic level than her peers. As a native Spanish speaker, Ana also struggled to communicate with her teachers. Fast forward to this summer, and Ana is enrolled in …