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What began 73 years ago as a collection of seven farms purchased in the 1940s has evolved into a 160-acre cornerstone of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati: Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Under the administration of Archbishop John T. McNicholas, development of the land as the archdiocesan cemetery began in the mid …

The Catholic Conference of Ohio has released a statement (found here) regarding the lifting of the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday and Holy Day Mass. In line with that statement Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr has decreed that for the faithful of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati the obligation to …

Where: Gate of Heaven Cemetery When: Monday, May 31 at 10:30 a.m. Let us join together in prayer in God’s name, on His sacred grounds to honor all of our veterans on this special United States of America Memorial Day 2021. ARRIVE EARLY! *A Military Speaker, Honor Guards and Taps …

Seven men from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati were ordained to the priesthood on May 15, 2021 at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Basilica. Fathers Aaron Hess, Edward Hoffmann, Louis Jacquemin, Michael Kapolka, Anthony Marcelli, Scott Morgan and Elijah Puthoff.

Jesus Christ may have saved us from our sins, but that doesn’t mean he’s above a little joking! Jim Gaffigan is a standup comedian who likes to imagine humorous scenarios involving faith, and these two priests find it pretty funny!

The Catholic Church will celebrate the feast of St. Bede on May 25. The English priest, monk, and scholar is sometimes known as “the Venerable Bede” for his combination of personal holiness and intellectual brilliance. Bede was born during 673 near the English town of Jarrow. His parents sent him …

On May 22, the Church celebrates the feast day of St. Rita of Cascia, who the late John Paul II called “a disciple of the Crucified One” and an “expert in suffering.” Known in Spain as “La Santa de los impossibiles” (the saint of the impossible), St. Rita has become …

Many parents these days are taking the “wait and see” approach with religion, not having their children baptized and letting them decide when they’re older.

Today, May 15, 2021, seven men were ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated the Mass and conferred the Holy Orders of Priesthood. Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, from the Archdiocese for the Military Services, concelebrated the Mass. The seven new priests were given …

After five years away, I am happy to return to writing for The Catholic Telegraph; however, I am even happier that many people are returning to Mass after the lockdown precipitated by the pandemic. While observing safety precautions, people are returning gradually to the Eucharist, even if things don’t quite …