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The Internet’s Questions about Priests

Fr. Mike is at the library of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia, and he’s answering the most asked questions about priests and the priesthood—according to the internet. He answers great questions like: – Do priests get paid? – Do Catholic priests get married? – Do priests pay taxes? – …
Shine On: The 10 most important year’s in your Child’s Life

Ask a young couple who just had their first child what they dream of for their child’s life, and you’ll likely get some version of, “I just want them to be happy.” Ask an aging couple whose children are adults what they dream for their adult children, and you’ll likely …
A Closer Look: The Domestic Church & Catholic Social Doctrine

The Gospel of St. Matthew ends with the charge of Jesus to “make disciples of all nations, . . . teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Mt. 28:19-20). And in the very last words of Christ before His ascension, He tells His disciples, “you will be …
July 27: St. Panteleon

St. Panteleon, whose feast we celebrate on July 27, is the patron saint of bachelors and physicians. As lifelong layperson, he was the physician for emperor Maximinianus. At one point in his life he had abandoned his faith, but he eventually returned to the Church, and gave his fortune to …
How priests prepare to say Mass

by Katie Yoder Washington D.C., Jul 26, 2021 / 06:01 am In preparation for Mass, priests make ready the sacred vessels, linens, and vestments that they use. Afterward, they take care to clean up. Every action they take, every word they say, stresses the importance of the Mass. Two priests …
Catholic At Home: Surrender it All

Leave the care of your affairs to Me and everything will be peaceful. In my 13 years as a wife and 12 as a mother, there have been plenty of times when I’ve simply run out of answers. Every family carries unique burdens that can overwhelm and exhaust us emotionally, …
Making Catholic Memories: St. James Pilgrimage Cake

A few weeks ago, my family joined the Bicentennial Marian Pilgrimage that took place across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati throughout May and June. It was one of the most beautiful spiritual experiences of our lives. We walked, we laughed, we sang, we prayed and we got REALLY tired. All the …
Is Having Friends Actually Important?

At a glance, you may look at friendship and say it’s not necessary for day-to-day life. It’s just “nice to have.” And the truth is… it’s not necessary. We could certainly live, breathe, and survive without friendship, just like we could live without music or art. But even though we …
Everyone Wants to belong to a parish they love.

What does your dream parish look like? Everyone’s answer is a little different, but more than likely many of the same themes will come to mind. Full churches. Joyful people. A pastor who is passionate and present to the faithful. Abounding generosity. Great music and homilies. Functional and beautiful spaces. …
A Priest’s Perspective: Sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Many today understand the sacrament of confirmation as a “rite of passage,”, but it is much more than that. In baptism, the Holy Spirit is poured into our hearts; in confirmation, we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. As young people and converts receive this sacrament, they …