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Why Self-Care is Important for Loving Others, Today’s Video
Jesus challenges us in the Gospels to “love your neighbor as yourself.” But what if you struggle to love yourself? How can we pour ourselves out for others if we are not first filled up?
July 13: Saint Henry II
On July 13, the Catholic Church celebrates the memory of St. Henry II, a German king who led and defended Europe’s Holy Roman Empire at the beginning of the first millennium. St. Henry was born in 972 to Duke Henry of Bavaria and Princess Gisela of Burgundy. During his youth, …
July 12: Saint John Gualbert
Born in Florence, Italy, around the year 993, John was born into a noble family, and led a predictably frivolous life as a youth, being concerned only with the pursuit of vain amusements and romantic intrigues. However, when he was still a young man, his elder brother Hugh was murdered, …
July 11: Saint Benedict
On July 11, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Saint Benedict of Nursia, the sixth-century abbot who gave Christian monasticism its lasting foundation in Western Europe. For his historic role as the “Father of Western Monasticism,” St. Benedict was declared a co-patron of Europe (along with Saints Cyril and …
The Catholic Telegraph named Magazine of the Year
At the Catholic Media Association’s annual awards dinner in Portland, Oregon, The Catholic Telegraph received seven awards, including the 2021 Magazine of the Year among all diocesan magazines. The Awards: Magazine of the Year – Diocesan Magazines, 1st Place by Jessica Rinaudo, Emma Cassani, Margaret Swensen + The Catholic Telegraph …
My Flesh for the Life of the World
The Eucharist makes the Church. This simple statement of belief is at the heart of what it means to be a Catholic Christian. The Church is the community of the baptized who gather each Sunday to do as Jesus commanded: to participate in His sacrifice on the cross and share …
Did you know Our Lady of Fatima at Indian Lake
Medallion of the Trinity, by Blanck Studio of Art, above the sanctuary in the nave. Mural by Blanck Studio of Art, featuring two angels and waters symbolizing the Sacraments Wooden triptychs in the style of Fra Angelico painted by Carl Fuchs, a liturgical artist, for Peter and Paul Church (Norwood), …
Motherhood & Self Care
Andrew and I are blessed with six children, but a quick head count adds up to just five. Our youngest child, Meg, was born into heaven in 2018—every day our family asks her to pray for us. When I miscarried, friends rushed to my side like Mary to Elizabeth. They …
July 9: 120 Martyrs of China
On July 9 the Church celebrates the feast of the 120 Martyrs of China. Religious persecution has a long history in China, especially persecution of Christians, thousands of whom have died for their faith in the last millennium. On October 1, 2000, Pope John Paul II canonised 120 men, women, …
July 8: Saints Aquila and Priscilla
Saints Aquila and Priscilla were a Jewish couple from Rome who had been exiled to Corinth, and were friends of St. Paul in the first century. They hosted St. Paul on his visit to that city and were probably converted by him. They are mentioned a few times in the New …