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Did you know St. Joseph Dayton
1846 Parish founded. Irish priest Father Patrick O’Mealy assigned pastor. 1847 $2,000 cost of the land for the first church, finished in 1847 (but without its steeple). 1859 Pastor Father David Kelley finished construction of the steeple, which included the clock tower and largest bell in the city. 1909 In …
Commitment to Service at Mercy McAuley
Service is one of the hallmarks of a Mercy McAuley High School education. Throughout the year, Mercy McAuley students participate in a variety of service projects that strengthen their faith, improve the community and prove how they can make a difference in the world. This past summer, a group of …
Q & A with Lisa Averion
Congratulations on your new job as the Associate Director of the Office for Persons with Disabilities! What attracted you to the position? I am a mother of five, and four of my children have special needs. My older children have a form of juvenile onset macular degeneration called Stargardt Disease, …
Student Services at Catholic Central
The Student Services Hallway is a strategic and new initiative for the Catholic Central School community. With the restructuring of the school, the middle school relocated to the newer building addition, which opened in 2014. This relocation allowed for the strategic creation of the Student Services Hallway. This wing houses …
Leadership McNick
McNicholas is excited to unveil Leadership McNick, its newest initiative in the development of compassionate leaders. Leadership McNick is a four-year, intentional growth experience that combines high-quality leadership training with small-group relationship building, retreat programming, vocation and career exploration, and formal and informal mentoring. McNicholas Student Culture Coordinator, Todd Naumann, …
Saint Sebastian
Written by Gail Finke Illustrated by Emma Cassani 1852 St. Sebastian parish formed for German-speaking parishioners of St. Rose and St. John the Baptist parishes. Traveling Precious Blood Fathers celebrated Mass. 1853 Temporary church built. The name was proposed by the oldest parishioner, Sebastian Schraner. 1879 Brick church, designed by …
Is your Parish Running Like a Major League Team?
Is your parish running like a little league team or a major league team? You might not think winning matters much when it comes to your Catholic parish, but winning a baseball game is far less important than winning a soul for Christ. Let’s take a look at four differences …
An Integral Vision of Man
This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB). For many months now, we have explored Pope St. John Paul II’s reflections on “original man” (i.e., man and woman before the Fall). We pondered original solitude, original unity and original …
Book Review: The Genesis of Gender
As recently as 10 years ago, very few people expected that we would have serious public debates in 2022 about what pronouns to use for people; whether public schools could be compelled to allow boys to use girls’ restrooms; if 14-year-old children should be permitted to have mutilating surgery on …
September 16: St. Cornelius, Pope, Martyr and St. Cyprian, Bishop, Martyr
Saint Cornelius was elected Pope in 251 during the persecutions of the Emperor Decius. His first challenge, besides the ever present threat of the Roman authorities, was to bring an end to the schism brought on by his rival, the first anti-pope Novatian. He convened a synod of bishops to …