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February 1: St. Brigid of Ireland
On Feb. 1 Catholics in Ireland and elsewhere will honor Saint Brigid of Kildare, a monastic foundress who is – together with Saint Patrick and Saint Columcille – one of the country’s three patron saints. St. Brigid directly influenced several other future saints of Ireland, and her many religious communities …
January 31: Saint John Bosco
On Jan. 31, the Roman Catholic Church honors St. John Bosco (or “Don Bosco”), a 19th century Italian priest who reached out to young people to remedy their lack of education, opportunities, and faith. John Bosco was born in August of 1815 into a family of peasant farmers in Castelnuovo …
Catholic School Leads to Career as OB/GYN
by Kary Ellen Berger When studying to become a doctor, medical students might make an oath to practice medicine with integrity, honesty and compassion to best meet the patients’ needs. With this in mind, mastering both the academics and compassion for others made Kristin (Reeve) Renner the doctor she is …
Medicine for the Weak
Though I never strayed too far from my faith, I began to take it more seriously in college and explore my childhood faith as an adult. This renewal led to exciting changes: I transferred to a new school, made new friends, and got involved with retreats and other faith-based programs. …
January 28 – Saint Thomas Aquinas
On Jan. 28, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates Saint Thomas Aquinas, the 13th century theologian who showed that the Catholic faith is in harmony with philosophy and all other branches of knowledge. Blessed John Paul II, in his 1998 letter “Fides et Ratio,” said St. Thomas “had the great merit …
Saint Thomas Aquinas
PDF: Making Catholic Memories January 23 St. Thomas Aquinas Write Like a Saint Supplies: 1 plastic drinking straw Scissors Speedball Calligraphy Ink Large feather St. Thomas Aquinas Copy Work Template Instructions: If using a large feather, measure the length of the feather’s shaft then cut the straw about an inch …
A Student’s Prayer by St. Thomas Aquinas
Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, true source of light and fountain of wisdom! Pour forth your brilliance upon my dense intellect, dissipate the darkness which covers me, that of sin and of ignorance. Grant me a penetrating mind to understand, a retentive memory, method and ease in learning, the lucidity …
January 27 – Saint Angela Merici
Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursuline Sisters, was born in the small Italian town of Desenzano on the shore of Lake Garda in 1474. As a young girl, Angela lost in succession her sister and both of her parents. She went to live with a wealthy uncle in the town …