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Catholic Bracketology Update: Villanova wins as predicted

Final Update April 5: Villanova has won the NCAA men’s basketball championship with a 77-74 victory over North Carolina. The last time a Catholic university won the title was 1985 and the winner that year was also the Wildcats. The Catholic Bracketology didn’t predict an accurate final, but did guess the …
Throwback (Holy) Thursday: Clergy gather at Chrism Mass

In every diocese around the globe this week, a Chrism Mass was (or today will be) celebrated. At this Mass, priests, deacons, religious and laity all gather with their bishop, generally at his cathedral, where he will bless the holy oils that will be used throughout his diocese for the coming …
Throwback Thursday: Irish dance a St. Patrick’s Day tradition

At Catholic schools, heritage centers, nursing homes and other locations around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, those observing St. Patrick’s Day are likely to come in contact with irish dance. Though not an explicitly Catholic activity, irish dance gets most of its exposure on the feast of St. Patrick, the patron …
Throwback Thursday: Role of women in church examined in 1975

The United Nations dubbed 1975 as International Women’s Year and ever since March 8 has been celebrated as International Women’s Day. March is also Women’s History Month in the United States. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrates the achievement of women throughout the church to this day, and took note of …
Corpus Christi Fryers serve up fish, fellowship and fun

There’s nothing quite like a Lenten fish fry to foster Catholic fellowship. Since 1990, the Corpus Christi Fryers have been serving up delicious fish with a fun and faith filled spirit that has earned them a loyal following in the Dayton area. CLICK HERE for The Catholic Telegraph’s Fish Fry …
Throwback Thursday: Just keep slugging

Despite snow today in some parts of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, there are signs of spring on the horizon. Lent is in full swing en route to Easter, the weather is slowly beginning to warm, and baseball is back on the radar. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is home to the …
Behold, Catholic beard balm (yes, it’s a thing)

What do you do with an excess of chrism and a plethora of Catholic men with beards? Tony Vasinda, a director of faith formation at a Catholic parish in Seattle, Wash., was faced with that dilemma two years ago when he ordered some of the fragrant, liturgical oil for his …
St. Michael Parish in Ripley celebrates 175th anniversary

As with most towns along the Ohio before the river was harnessed by reservoirs to control high waters, floods often forced residents to seek the high ground. The early history of St. Michael Parish in the Brown County river town of Ripley was affected by high waters, too. “In 1840, …
Throwback Thursday: Farewell to the Catholic Chronicle

In the November 29, 1934 edition of The Catholic Telegraph, this publication welcomed the creation of the Catholic Chronicle, the diocesan newspaper of the Diocese of Toledo. The Catholic Chronicle published it’s first issue on Nov. 23, 1934 and according to The Catholic Telegraph’s report, “The Catholic Chronicle has made …
Volunteer experiences ‘face of homelessness’ at Mary Magdalene House

Once Dave Beitz began learning the names of the people who frequent Mary Magdalene House in Over-the-Rhine, his volunteer service became much more meaningful. “Once you put a name to the face of homelessness, it becomes different. You start seeing these people routinely. You start knowing them. After you’re there …