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A picture says a thousand words: Seton High School Shows Support

Seton High School wore Seton green and purple today to show their support and prayers for McKenzie Custer ’17 and her brother Ryan Custer (Elder ’16). Ryan Custer was injured in April in Oxford Ohio. He’s a freshman at Wright State University.
Mary Garden: Rita Heikenfeld

Syndicated columnist Rita Nader Heikenfeld is the author of several cookbooks, and writes a weekly cooking column and blog ( for Greater Cincinnati Community Press newspapers. An adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati, a Certified Culinary Professional and Certified Modern Herbalist, the Culinary Professional for Jungle Jim’s Eastgate, and …
Mary Garden Plant List: Brent Ogburn

Brent Ogburn, Director of Business Development for Grunder Landscape Co., planned the indoor garden at UD’s Marian Library around plants that would be available from local nurseries and in bloom during the exhibit dates. Taken from the writings of John Stokes, Jr., who popularized the idea of Mary Gardens, all …
Body and Soul Recipe Overnight Christmas Blueberry-Pecan French Toast

Editors Note: In the May 2017 Print Edition of The Catholic Telegraph, Body and Soul on page 24 featured a story on Donna Marie Cooper. Below is her featured recipe: Ingredients: nonstick spray 1 baguette, cut into 20 one inch slices (you can use a wholegrain bread for extra nutrition …
A picture says a thousand words: High School Theatre

Throughout the spring there were many theatre productions in Archdiocese of Cincinnati School’s. Here’s a peak at some of them
Good Friday Morning Prayer at Holy Cross Immaculata / St. Teresa of Avila

Cincinnati OH- Good Friday dawned with temperatures in the low 60’s as hundreds of people lined up for the annual pilgrimage of the Blessed Steps at Holy Immaculata Church in Mount Adams. When it was morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people took counsel against Jesus …
Easter Triduum: Holy Thursday Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer As Morning Breaks I look to you; I look to you O Lord, to be my strength this day, as morning breaks, as morning breaks. O God you are my God, for you I long; for you my soul is thirsting. My body pines for you like a …
Lenten Reflections: Thought for the Day, Pray, Action

Editor’s Note: The deacons of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are offering daily reflections and prayer guidance for Lenten observance. These will appear each day during Lent until Holy Week. April 16th Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Thought for the Day: But Mary Magdalene and the other Mary remained sitting there, facing …
Holy Week Begins in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

On Sunday April 9th, Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains in Cincinnati. On Tuesday April 11th the Chrism Mass was held at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral. (Photos by E.L. Hubbard)
Pope Francis’s Prayer intentions for April

Pope Francis’s Prayer intentions for April For young people That young people may respond generously to their vocations and seriously consider offering themselves to God in the priesthood or consecrated life.