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Pope Francis holds dove before his weekly audience at the Vatican
Pope Francis’s prayer intentions for August: Artists That artists of our time, through their ingenuity, may help everyone discover the beauty of creation.

On July 16, 2017, three Archdiocese of Cincinnati employees embarked on a mission trip to India. Mike Gable Director of the Mission Office, Tony Stieritz Director of Social Action, and Sister Eileen Connelly Managing Editor of The Catholic Telegraph flew to Chennai India. This is part II of their journey. …

On July 16, 2017, three Archdiocese of Cincinnati employees embarked on a mission trip to India. Mike Gable Director of the Mission Office, Tony Stieritz Director of Social Action, and Sister Eileen Connelly Managing Editor of The Catholic Telegraph flew to Chennai India. Chennai  the capital of the Indian state …

3rd Place, Trey Rouse and Daughter Marissa in Show us your Mary Garden.
Catholic Telegraph Mary Garden Photo Contest Who can enter? Any readers of “The Catholic Telegraph,” from anywhere in the country. What are we looking for? Photos of your garden featuring a statue of Mary or other Catholic statues, plantings, or elements. Enter as many photos as you like, as often …

Though we’re just about the halfway mark for our Archdiocese of Cincinnati Students summer break, they’ve been busy this summer.

When you hear these words, Brent Spence Bridge, you immediately tense up. We’ve arrived at summer and the orange barrels have blossomed throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. They make ones live miserable. Seen on Interstate 75 Saturday: I-71 at Ohio River 85 minutes. (16 miles away). There’s a way to …

Booth Row at the festival (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
On June 9th through June 11th there were 10 Festivals throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The CT Crew was out and about at 6 of them. Today our final 2 stops, St. Maximilian Kolbe in Liberty Township and Assumption in Mount Healthy.

The CT Crew was out and about over the June 9th – 11th weekend checking out the festivals on Big Ten Festival Weekend. The 4th stop was St. Helen’s Festival in Riverside, Southeast of Dayton.

Let's get this thing going (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
The CT Crew were out and about at 6 out of 10 festivals last weekend. The third stop was St. Christopher’s Festival north of Dayton.  

Confession: I never learned to change my car’s oil. Before we get all, “typical millennial,” some recommended perspective. I grew up in a culture filled with convenience. Since the age of sixteen, I can pay a small amount to have someone else change my oil and not worry about any …