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Now there were shepherds in that region living in the fields and keeping the night watch over their flock. The angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were struck with great fear. (Luke 2: 8-9) (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
ADVENT 2017 Friday, November 24th through January 1st Live Nativity at St. Francis Seraph St. Francis Seraph Nativity exhibit at Christian Moerlein Taproom Map Monday, November 27th through Friday, January 5th “At the Manger” Créche display at the University of Dayton Map Friday, December 1st –Sunday, January 7th Nativity Set …

In Today’s Video thoughts from Father Alex McCullough and his reflections on ordination and the priesthood.

Joy of Giving 2017 Central Offices, Archdiocese of Cincinnati. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Each year the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has a toy drive for children from newborn through 12 years old. In today’s A picture says a thousand words, a look at the Joy of Giving. Many toys were in other offices in boxes and bags. Tis the Season of Joy!  

Statue where St. Bernadette witnessed the beautiful Lady in Lourdes France (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
Throughout Advent, Four times we’ve read Luke’s Gospel of the Annunciation (Luke 1: 26-38). Today’s video takes a look at The Blessed Mother in Two Minutes

On a cold December night, UD Band warms the hearts with a Christmas Medley (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
On Friday, December 8, 2017, it was Christmas at UD. Today’s video is the University of Dayton Pep Band “Flyer Spirit” at the Christmas Tree. For coverage of Christmas at UD, click here

A creche is seen on display in the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains in downtown Cincinnati last year. (CT Photo/John Stegeman)
It’s the little clay baby in the manger – or maybe the empty manger, waiting until Christmas morning for the figure to appear. It’s the watchful figures of Mary and Joseph (“Mary always has to go on Jesus’s right, and Joseph always has to hold a lantern or a staff,” …

Among the area people who traveled to Detroit last month for the beatification of Franciscan friar Solanus Casey were a 10-year-old boy, three seminarians, a priest, and a Dayton family whose daughter (now a religious sister) once lived in an Indiana Catholic center that was once home to the Capuchin …

Two different people shared the same article with me last month. My charismatic roots tempt me to take that it as a sign it should be this month’s topic, so here goes. The article came from the Catholic website Aleteia, and is titled, “Hey, pastors, want to bring us Millennials …

Tomb of St. John of the Cross, Spain (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
December 14. Saint John of the Cross was a 16th century reformer of the Carmelite way of life, together with Saint Teresa of Avila. In Today’s video, we look at the life of St. John of the Cross, a mystic, writer of Dark Night of the Soul.

Festive carols sung awaiting the lighting of the Christmas Tree (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
As a beautiful sunset occurred at the University of Dayton, the great spirit of Joy could be found on campus for the annual “Christmas at UD.”