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Over the weekend, Scott Brand, Diocese of Youngstown, put his creative talents to good use building snowmen at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary

With the anniversary mass complete, Old St. Mary's continues as shining light in Over-the-Rhine. (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
In the January edition of The Catholic Telegraph, we introduced a new feature called the Bucket List. This is for the great events within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for you to attend, recommended by our readers. Here’s this month’s online version: Go: Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics 2291 …

Stories matter. Especially today. Instagram encourages users to post videos as stories. Families pass down stories. Billions share stories on Facebook. Friends laugh at the same stories for decades. Brands now tell stories to communicate with customers. There’s a reason for it all. Stories work. Humans crave the purpose and …

Jim Caviezel surprised #sls18 attendees, encouraging them to be warriors animated by faith. Caviezel will soon be starring in the upcoming movie “Paul, Apostle of Christ.” Check out the video below

Although Debbie Staresinic worked with a professional designer from Faith and Family Productions for her new book of rosary meditations, she has a background in design and photography. That training helped her do her part to market the book with daily Instagram posts that feature artful photos of the book …

From the rosary to Theology of the Body, and back By Gail Finke The connection between the rosary and St. Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB) seemed so clear to Debbie Staresinic that every few months, she searched for a book of TOB rosary meditations. When the …

Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, S.C., was the first native-born citizen[1] of the United States to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church (September 14, 1975). She established the first Catholic girls’ school in the nation in Emmitsburg, Maryland, where she also founded the first American congregation of religious sisters, the …

Temperatures were -4 on New Year’s Morning 2018. Many activities were cancelled because of the cold. Many put some logs on the fire, drank some hot beverage and made New Year’s Day, a day to stay in. Not Father Ethan Moore. As is a tradition in Fort Loramie, after the …

Father Tom Wray and his wife Janet on a Ferris Wheel in Barcelona Spain at the mountain of Tibidabo (CT Photo/Greg Hartman)
2017 will be a year remembered for many things, at The Catholic Telegraph we look back at JOY in 2017!  

In Today’s Video, meet Kylie of NET Ministries NET Ministries || Kylie Holzknecht from Spirit Juice Studios on Vimeo.