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Today’s Video: St. Maximilian Kolbe

St. Maximilian Kolbe was born as Raymund Kolbe on January 8, 1894, in the Kingdom of Poland, part of the Russian Empire. He was a Polish Conventual Franciscan friar and a martyr in the German death Camp of Auschwitz during World War II.
The Catholic Difference at College

By Eileen Connelly, OSU High school students are faced with a dizzying array of options during their college search. A local native with parents who are both alumni, it was only natural for the University of Dayton to be on Jacob Montgomery’s short list. Yet the young man also knew …
Today’s Video: For Those Without a Clear Vocation

If you feel like you’re up life’s creek without a clear vocation, it’s important to remember that there’s only one goal worth pursuing, and that is to become a saint. But how do we do that? Fr. Mike lays out some straightforward guidelines on how to get there.
Journeys celebrating life

At the end of July, men and women in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati were on the road. On July 28, 19 cyclist began their journey for the Dayton Right to Life annual Hausfeld ND2UD Ride for Life, a 240-mile cycling ride from the University of Dayton to Notre Dame. Across …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for August

Pope Francis prayer intentions for August. The Treasure of the Family That any far-reaching decisions of economists and politicians may protect the family as one of the treasures of humanity.
Throwback Thursday: The 2018 Rural Urban Farm Mass one week ago

On Thursday, July 19, 2018, many of the faithful gathered at Doug & Sarah Franck’s Farm in Saint Henry Oh for the annual Rural Urban Farm Mass. Check out the video of that wonderful evening:
July Mary Garden Photo Contest Winners

Our 2018 reader Mary Garden contest concludes this month. Veronica Crusham took first place with a photo of the 60-year-old Sayler Park garden owned by her mother, Mary Cipriani. Second place goes to Jane Maurer of Botkins, whose husband, Rick, made the grotto next to their pond. Michael English took …
The Catholic Telegraph Bucket List for August

This month’s Bucket List takes you to three places created for prayer: a memorial, a former seminary filled with art and treasures, and a rural shrine: an outdoor memorial for martyred Jesuits Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center a shrine on the site of an amusement park Go: See …
Parish Picnic at Kolping Grove

The CT crew visited Kolping Center near Winton Woods Park for a combined parish picnic for Old St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart (Camp Washington), the two parishes staffed by the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Cincinnati. Click on any photo to see it full size.
A Picture Says a Thousand Words: Steubenville Youth Conference

Every year, some 1,200 young people from the archdiocese attend one of Franciscan University of Steubenville’s famous youth conferences. This year the Office of Youth Evangelization and Discipleship worked to get as many youth groups there as possible for the conference the weekend of July 14, when Archbishop Dennis M. …