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The first Marian apparition: Our Lady of the Pillar

The first Marian apparition in history appeared to Saint James the Apostle, the brother of Saint John the Evangelist, on the bank of the river Ebro in Saragossa, Spain. Unlike every other recorded apparition, this one took place during the earthly life of the Mother of God. According to tradition, …
Today’s Video: The World Needs a Franciscan Renewal

In Brother Casey’s Breaking the Habit series, today we look at St. Francis of Assisi. Eight hundred years ago, St. Francis of Assisi started a revolution that renewed both the Church and world. Today, our world faces many of the issues that St. Francis did. Maybe it’s time for another …
St. Mary of the Woods Church in Russells Point held its first Eucharistic procession on Sept. 15

St. Mary of the Woods Church in Russells Point held its first Eucharistic procession on Sept. 15. The parish processed to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima on the shore of Indian Lake, where parishioners enjoyed a picnic and family activiites. The Eucharistic canopy, purchased in Italy, is a …
A picture says a thousand words: Blessing of the new Columbaria within the Veteran section at Gate of Heaven Cemetery

Richard Kelly, archdiocesan CFO, (center, saluting) and Bishop Joseph Binzer attended a flag raising ceremony at Gate of Heaven Cemetery Sep. 4. The ceremony and blessing of the new columbaria within the Veteran section at Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Bugler, Larry DuPree, played “To the Colors” as the American …
Photo Essay: Prayer of Thanksgiving for Maribel Trujillo Diaz

Witness from Mairbel Trujillo Diaz More than anything, first of all, I want to thank my God for being here with my family and all of you. If anyone asks me how a spent those long months apart from my family, I would say “in prayer”. When I arrived at …
A picture says a thousand words: Badin Homecoming Court

The king and queen will be crowned Friday night, Sept. 28, at halftime of the Rams’ Homecoming football game against Dayton Carroll at Virgil Schwarm Stadium in Hamilton. Kickoff is at 7 p.m. A Homecoming parade will precede the game, departing from the Hamilton Freshman School at 6 p.m. Badin’s …
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

Pope Leo XIII wrote the Saint Michael prayer in 1884, after supposedly seeing a frightening vision: evil spirits, trying to fulfill Satan’s boast to destroy our Lord’s Church within a century, were engaging in fierce attacks against it. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against …
First permanent deacons look back

By Walt Schaefer Pope Paul VI took the first step in restoring the ancient order of permanent diaconate in the Catholic Church’s Latin Rite in 1967 as part of the Vatican II reforms. In the spring of 1968, the bishops of the United States petitioned the Holy Father to revive …
Crowds pack rare Latin Masses sponsored by Oratory

By Gail Finke Elaborate Latin Masses at two historic Cincinnati churches this month topped off a sacred music retreat for 50 singers from around the country. Sponsored by the Cincinnati Oratory and its two parishes, the retreat featured Kevin Allen and Nicke Lemme, was coordinated by John Schauble, led by …
Bucket List for September

This month’s Bucket List takes you to two very different places for quiet fall hikes, and to the archdiocese’s only parish founded by Lithuanian immigrants: stroll St. Joseph New Cemetery’ s 163 acres spend time in contemplative Jesuit prayer in Milford worship at an Old North Dayton parish Go: …